/s? 🥺
You're welcome and thank you! Yes, I also tried similar joints on one lamp. It turned out that I am too impatient and imprecise to create such joints by hand. Dowels seem much easier and achieve about the same thing. The angle doesn't matter in this case as there aren't large forces involved, so (1) initial hand adjustment and glue should suffice and (2) the Kumiko frames will push the the connecting bars in the right angle anyways.
Ja, schön wäre es. Nur leider habe ich in jegliche Regierung kein Vertrauen mehr. Das sind für mir alles leere Worte, die wahrscheinlich für Wahlkampfzwecke benutzt werden. Es wäre wirklich schön zu sehen, dass etwas getan wird. Ich würde als ITler auch wirklich gerne mithelfen. Nur motiviert Motivation alleine nicht genug, wenn das Gehalt und die Arbeitsbedingungen nicht Schritt halten können. Ich war schon einmal im Burn/Bore-Out im Quasi-Öffentlichen Dienst. Nochmal möchte ich das nicht durchmachen. Aber genau das ist meine größte Angst, wenn ich meiner Motivation nach gebe und mich bei relevanten Stellen bewerbe und einsteige.
Be the change that you want to see. Ja, nur ich habe Angst ausgebremst zu werden.
If I understand correctly, you mean the joints where the horizontal oak bars meet the vertical leg?
On another lamp I tried simple butt joints, but those were too imprecise. The other lamp sort of became diamond shaped instead of square shaped when looking at it from the top. Also, butt joints would have caused this lamp to fall apart, because the kumiko frames where a little bit too large for places where they are now press fitted in.
On this lamp I support these butt joints with regular round dowels. This allows me to exactly measure where a horizontal bar would be needed to be placed to fit the kumiko frame. Any error during drilling would of course ruin the whole thing. Due to the oak bars only measuring 12mm in width, the dowels could only be inserted about 8mm deep for one horizontal bar and about 4mm for the other perpendicular bar.
As for how the kumiko frames are attached to the lamp frame: slide in and glued.
Thanks :) I briefly mentioned this in another comment: Measure thrice and plan in some slack. I measured thrice but didn't plan in slack. Thus the frames where the littlest too large to fit into their places (~0.5mm) When forced in, the joints of the frame jumped open a little bit.
Yes 😄 though I like the simplicity of it.
Definitely crashable. I have to touch it with silk gloves. The T joints lack glue and are pushed apart by the inserted Kumiko frames, because my measurements were a little off. I'm happy it stands as it does 😁
Sure, but I must admit that I am too very new to this and lack the proper tools to make more complex joints as precise as they need to be in adequate time.
I don't know the proper name. All joints here were simply cut half the width of the individual bars and then stacked into each other. I.e. the bar is 2x10x100mm, the cuts for the joint must be 2x5mm. Very simple.
As a beginner I would advise you to start with square templates first and then insert square patterns into those, like here or here of another lamp of mine. I don't have the tools myself to work with triangle templates and patterns.
One little square is about 1x1cm. The whole thing measures about 12x12x35cm.
Those are Hatagane, japanese bar clamps. I use them for such small things where regular clamps would be too bulky and too heavy.
And some progress pics
My jig:
I totally understand, but I'm always conservative and skeptical whether more than just anonymous telemetry is gathered.