
joined 1 year ago
[–] 39 points 5 months ago (11 children)

This is death spiral shit. I probably look on national service more favourably than the average person and I know you cannot just throw it out as a desperate Hail Mary without building a huge amount of consensus.

[–] 4 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Where would one go to get a custom made backpack with double stitching?

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Bit late to the party, but something to be aware of if you're buying Solovair. I have a pair of astronaut boots, had them for about 20 months, worn them almost daily and I need to get them resoled now. I went to my local cobblers and they said they don't do Solovair, they just do glue jobs. I went to Solovair (I'm local to their factory) and they said that they're currently doing so much business that they're not able to offer resoling. They provided details of two webshops ( and who do offer this service, but that involves sending them off for weeks and weeks. So I'm going to need to buy a second pair of boots to wear while my first pair are out for repair. And the resole is a significant chunk of the original boot cost: I spent under £170 on the boots, and they're going to cost £70 to resole plus shipping.

I'm still going to do it, I love them and I'd have spent a similar amount on trainers in the same period just through wear and tear, but it's not particularly a money saver or a convenience.

I guess that when I do have two pairs I'll be able to rotate them daily so this will be something that comes up every four years rather than every two.

[–] 15 points 6 months ago

I’d heard lava tubes pitched as one of the more straightforward ways of building a moon base, fascinating to learn that this would actually be a return to form for human dwellings.

Humans: we just like living in lava tubes.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Yup. Have put it down to the kids being at nursery and bringing back every cough and sniffle. It’s wrecked my wife’s sleeping because we’ve a baby who wants to feed when he’s feeling under the weather and he’s had a cold for what feels like weeks.

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

If anyone wants to do some play-money betting on who wins, I’ve got a prediction market here.

I thought it was a nice first episode, watching Sophie try to hop across a lake was a highlight.

Did anyone else think that Gary was going to turn out to be the scarecrow and the boat gorilla would be a deliberate bluff?

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

They were pretty direct remakes with a few new bugs and a controversial art style. I was never a big DPP fan and the remakes failed to change my mind.

I do think any future remakes will be different though, i vaguely remember a story about ILCA who made BDSP and I don’t think they exist in the same form as they did when developing the game.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago (6 children)

There’s a lot of potential options. Gen V remakes are next on the main series remake list. Let’s Go and Legends were both sort-of-mainline-ish games that would be about right for a sequel. I’m betting there’s still more DLC for SV. And wasn’t there a rumour about another Detective Pikachu movie?

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Last night I stuck all the major meteor showers into my calendar. I’d gone outside and seen stars and remembered how l much I love to see stars and I rarely stargaze nowadays. I’m going to make more of an effort, especially for the seasonal meteors.

[–] 7 points 9 months ago

You can’t afford it now. This tech is going to be something people can do in their sheds within a decade.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

I’ve set up a play-money prediction market if people want to join in.

IMO this is within Labour’s grasp, it’s in the range of their recent by-election wins and given it was Skidmore who took it from them, one has to speculate that a local MP of nearly 20 years, standing down in protest of the government, isn’t going to encourage the party faithful out to vote for his replacement.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

This prediction market has May at 50%, and that’s mainly because I keep buying it off he back of news like this. Seems like a lot of people are May doubters.

Reasons I think May is the most likely candidate are:

  • expected polling bounce off a giveaway budget in March
  • small boat numbers are at their natural minimum and only rise as Summer begin
  • later in the year you start running into things like party conference, which you don’t want to miss, and fuel bills, which are going to be a bad news story again. Even if you rank “holding on to power above all else” as the most important thing, a late Q4 election looks a terrible mistake.

I’m looking for a lightweight waterproof jacket with a hood, ideally available in the UK. I don’t buy jackets very often so I don’t know what I should be looking for asides from that broad category. Suggestions welcome!


My daughter is approaching 3 and my wife has suggested a tablet either as a birthday or Christmas present, and I’m a bit hesitant. It’d be great for long trips, but I think as a day-to-day thing it might be a distraction. It’d get Spidey and Friends off the telly though. How and when did you handle this?


I buy a few kilos of dog biscuits at a time and at the moment we keep them in the bag in the garage, and decant enough for a week into a plastic kitchen tub. I’m worried about rats attacking what’s in the garage, so I suspect I want some kind of hard plastic tub, but I’m concerned about it being too big and awkward to easily get out the week’s food. Has anyone else got this solved?


A few months ago I bought some Amazon knock-off fingears to see if I vibed with the concept on the cheap. I liked the idea but the execution was dreadful, magnets were weak, plastic was incredibly cheap and rattly.

So I splashed out thirty quid on the official fingears. They’re definitely much better, the gearing is much smoother and the plastic is much better quality. But the whole thing still doesn’t quite cut the mustard, the magnets still feel a little weak and the sound is still a bit rattly. Does anyone know of anything that’s a step up in quality? I know they’ve got a wood and metal version for £90 but that’s quite a jump up and I’m concerned about spending that much on something that flies out of my hands so frequently.

Does anyone have any experience with the wooden fingears, are they significantly more satisfying and ideally a bit more sticky, magnet-wise? Or are there any other similar products that bridge the gap between £30 and £90?

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