[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I had a handful of other ones but just said that list was good enough. Its not all inclusive, and to make it so it’d require multiple parts.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

But, if the judge does opt for house arrest during election campaign season..? The Trump faction has more ammo to lob against the system for ‘election interference!’

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 71 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Nah, man. I’m totes voting for my boy Trump because he said I can have my gas stove and gas truck. So, double issue voter. Fully supporting my golden bro because he’s my christo brother.

Idc about his;

  1. blackmailing of Ukraine, and his impeachment from this,
  2. support and ties to rush-ah, and other dictatorships around the world,
  3. undermining democracy globally, to include threats of pulling out of our global defense alliances,
  4. violent rhetoric and attempted coup, and his impeachment for this,
  5. sex with a pornstar and hush up payment utilizing campaign funds and subsequent corruption and coverup, (edit: convicted felon on 34 charges)
  6. attempt to destroy the USPS in order to undermine mail in voting during a pandemic,
  7. terrible handling of the pandemic and undermining trust in science on the subject contributing significantly to large American death toll,
  8. Appointing under-skilled and extreme AND extremely partisan Supreme Court justices who; destroyed women’s right to medical privacy and their abortion rights, are constantly undermining voters rights across the country, are constantly undermining equal rights for LGBTQ citizens,
  9. for his raiding of government and tax payer coffers by; removing the oversight body for PPP loans and stating he would ‘personally oversee it himself’ which lead to significant corruption and theft, by giving the ultra wealthy further tax breaks at the expense of the middle and lower class, by utilizing his venues AND not distancing himself from his organization and funneling money for his Secret Service at his overpriced hotels,
  10. I’m done, I can’t give an all inclusive list of things I’m going to ignore for my Bro (twice impeached) (edit: Felon*) Former President Trump.
[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 26 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

This ‘documentary’ on* Jury Duty actually has James Marsden on the jury. If you haven’t seen it, yet, you’re missing out.


[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I just look at how Musk lied to the country about his hyperloop idea and Boring company to disrupt high speed rail’s new found interest a few years ago. He made a calculation and determined that it would cost XYZ to fake hyperloop investment on his part, but he and the fossil fuel industry would make significantly more on prolonged car dependence.

Edit: and on top of that, he absolutely got kick backs from the fossil fuel industry for doing it; derailing our high speed rail momentum.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 23 points 4 days ago

Except for government subsidies for fossil fuels, lobbied for by the fossil fuel industry.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 17 points 1 week ago

I’ve been so overwhelmed in the office lately, that when I see my next higher office dictating to me what we need to get done for their metrics… that don’t directly affect our mission in my office… I’ll just click ‘read’ for the email and move the fuck on. Like, you want me to do what fucking random and tedious job so some guy in a cubicle halfway across the state can feel good about their annual review?! Yeah, fuck you. ‘Read’.

I have to take care of actual shit over here, to include the employees in this office and their careers and well being.

Is it going to come back and bite me? Maybe they should hire another staff member so I can spread out the work.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

I’m going to leave it up as my penance.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 20 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

For my fellow Americans out there, I read recently that a ‘stone’ was ‘14 pounds’. So, 10 year old Jack Lis was mauled to death by a 98 pound ‘bully dog’, or a dog weighing about a ‘buck’.

Don’t judge me if I’m a little off, our friends ‘across the pond’.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

A government vehicle, outside of an emergency vehicle, that isn’t governed? Shit, that* blows my mind.

[-] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago

Sure, but that’s taking the guy’s statement at face value when you know he’s speaking in doublespeak and bad faith. He and his team are absolutely going to cry ‘unfair’ if they don’t win, like they did before.

So, the writing and the interview questions should have used this statement or answer and tied it into a broader statement about how they’re already actively attempting to disrupt the electoral process so that they can then claim ‘unfair’ and build toward a second J6 event/coup.

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