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[-] 1 points 1 day ago

Are there any benefits to having a static IP, aside from self-hosting purposes? Is it somehow faster or more responsive? I'd think dynamic IPs would be better (ignoring self-hosting) because at the very least, they'd allow you to dodge (d)dos attacks (which can happen with games, people sometimes get salty enough to attack other players IPs if their IP is exposed).

[-] 6 points 1 day ago

Is it possible to diy a headlamp? I've always thought it'd be kinda cool and silly to have an obscenely bright flashlight, but I prefer headlamps because it leaves my hands free (and it's automatically pointing at whatever I'm looking at, for better or for worse).

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

Ah, well. Still pretty smart, though I'm a bit less interested now.

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

The way Native Americans have been treated in the US is absolutely disgusting. I do wonder if there's a compromise that could be reached, like no open pit mines and ore has to be refined off-site (which would hopefully reduce the mine footprint and pollution caused by it); however, in the event that a compromise is impossible, I hope the tribe wins and is able to stop the destruction of their holy site.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Felt like getting a snack, so I decided to try it with a bagel. Didn't really notice a huge difference in taste, however it was significantly easier to spread. Another benefit from mixing the two is that you can spread it on toast, a bagel, etc, even if you only have a single slice, without contaminating the peanut butter or jelly/jam/preserves jar. The downside is that you have additional dishes to wash (in particular, a bowl and two spoons, one for peanut butter, the other for jelly).

My conclusion is that it's technically superior (easier to spread, can be spread on a single slice of bread). Only downside is that additional cleanup is required. As such, not a great method if you're in a time crunch and don't have the time to mix the pb&j and wash additional dishes. However, if time isn't a problem and you want a snack, try mixing pb&j.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

puts on tinfoil hat

The asymmetrical internet speeds are intended to keep hobbyists and small businesses from self-hosting, thereby driving traffic to larger companies. I wonder if ISPs get any kind of kickback from large companies like AWS, cloudflare, or digital ocean. Like, reduced hosting costs for their websites and internal cloud services.

Takes tinfoil hat off

The reality is that it's probably a lot cheaper for ISPs to make connections asymmetrical because it effectively lets them pump up their download speed numbers for free. However, ISPs really should give customers the option to custom allocate bandwidth. Instead of saying X upload, Y download, you get X Mbps maximum and can choose the upload/download split.

[-] 16 points 2 days ago

Google might not care, but if enough people install it, their advertisers sure will.

[-] 8 points 2 days ago

and the plugin dev is also using the clicks to make money via affiliate

That's actually kinda brilliant and I'm jealous. I might actually install it just to reward his intelligence. I can't blame him for doing it, I'd do it too if I was in his shoes; I wish I'd thought of it first.

[-] 2 points 2 days ago

Will do. It's been a while since I've felt like pb&j, but I'll try to remember to report back when I get around to trying it.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/


Edit for people who are curious: it's not Photoshop, it's a troodontid mask made by Archesuchus for their "Weird Birds" series. Here's what it looks like under normal lighting conditions.

Not gonna lie, I really, really want one. But fursuit heads are expensive (I'm assuming the cost would be similar since that's basically what it is) and I don't have the skill or tools to make one myself. :c

Jerbel rule (
Je(rule)amy $19.95 (
YermaRule (
Rulma196 (
Rule of the lake (

Description: A giant snake lady sits in a lake. A man stands next to the edge of the lake and asks, "O snake of the lake, what is your wisdom?"

The snake replies, "Osamu Tezuka, the inventory of manga and anime, created old-school furry icons like Kimba and Bagi and had a secret collection of erotic furry art that he made which was only found after his death; so weebs are really just a human-focused offshoot of furries.


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