Well that person chose (broken) German and Italian for a reason.
Before, the left helped the liberals here win over the Nazis. Now the question is whether the liberals will help the left win this time. Quite a different problem
In case you're seriously asking, they vote based on how nice looking the head of the party is, not on policies. Democracy is dead when you see rednecks telling journalists they vote for the man because they like his tiktok channel.
Because it's populist crap, obviously. We don't need MBAs and business school grads to pay lower taxes, quite the opposite. There's one party proposing to smoothen tax brackets across the board, which would also have a huge impact on the younger, and it's not Bardella's.
This tax cut is also a drop in the ocean compared to what they want to do to the retirement reform, but young people think they will never be old, and the old one sacrifices the youth at every turn so not many actually care this stuff despite the impact.
Lastly, I'm not sure there's even a plan for financing such tax cut. That's why people call it far right populist bullshit. The man did his entire campaign on tiktok and is only where he is because he married into the Le Pen family.
Première fois que j'entends ça tiens
Je sais qu'on est des gauchiasses ici, mais il y en a qui pensent vraiment que lfi et lepen sont comparables, alors tout rappel que les nazis sont pas très gentils peut rapporter des voix au NFP je pense
Glad to know people taking on 30 year long loans pay slightly lower taxes for a few years, that's certainly helping a lot. Few because no one's giving a 20 years old a loan for a house/flat lol so you're probably closer to 30 when you actually can and do want to settle.
You might be financially literate, but you're not human literate if you think this tax reform is anything but catering to the young and non-politicised.
Debt? What debt are you talking about? You know how taxes work?
We wouldn't need to guess if these people interacted on such topics, but they don't. Wonder why.
Horseshoe theory, the one where we call countries doing what we do communists to avoid facing our own failures?
The back alley cat line was probably the most intelligible he said the whole time.
All those people online with their anecdotes agreeing with what you wrote, yet my experience has been the complete opposite. I think the problem is Americans being insufferable assholes, and the French not letting that fly as much as other countries.