
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

My parents are perfect examples. 1700 hits and it's cocktail time, have a couple before dinner, wine with dinner, and often after dinner drinks as well.

Nearly every single day.

I can't think of anything, I just recently finished my 2 year stint with an iphone and never saw issues with groups no matter which phone they had.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That's really strange to hear, I've run it in on a pi zero, until it died, a 4b, and now on a pair of orange pi zero 2 I think they are, without any issues I didn't directly cause by computing drunk.

I'd give it another shot if you're up for it, it's worth it in my opinion. I'm also running wireguard on it, with clients on all our phones so we take that protection with us everywhere.

Where I live, absolutely. Everytime I hit the road I see at least 5 idiots turning left from the far right lane, driving half the speed limit, running red lights, having no idea what the right of way is or how intersections with only one stop sign work.

And I don't drive that much, in 2.5 years I've put 20k miles on, 3k of which were road trips and Im not counting those drives in my idiot count.

Came here to see if anyone else had, my fork was taken down as well. Not to mention the file linked in the email for the notice doesn't exist so I can't even see what was claimed. I had planned to fight the takedown since at the time I forked it, there wasn't nothing infringing that I saw.

I've contacted github for a copy of the notice, we'll see what happens.

That's the truth. I've been working from home more than 10 years now, over a few different companies and I can safely say I'm more productive and less stressed than I ever was working in an office environment.

I had no idea that happened, what a sad thing to hear. I haven't read it in a while obviously, but my child is getting close to the age I was when I discovered it and Scientific American. I'm sad I won't get to share National Geographic with them.

You said this far better than I could. If there's no supply, the addicts stay away.

Blinders are a powerful thing unfortunately.

I would have a look at Garmin devices as others have said. I had a swim2 for a few years that my daughter now wears since I got a Descent mk2i. I needed a dive computer with good range on air integration to watch my daughters gas next year when she's old enough to get certified.

As for fitness tracking I have nothing but good things to say, although the few and far between firmware updates are a drag, and I've never seen a new feature unlocked, the fact that the data I get based on the specs I purchased is great, consistent, and the damn things just always work. ___

I appreciate it, I'll do some research. Thank you!

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (9 children)

This has me thinking, is there a space set aside for putting profits over people instances out and center so admins can preemptively defederate and/or block them?

I haven't found one yet but I am rather new to this.

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