Thanks for my daily giggle, op! Apples cost more than a laugh, both are good medicine.
I always bring up waste disposal, and always get waved away.
just because you can do a thing didn't mean you should do a thing.
Or something like that.
Government agencies being data brokers should also be a concerning issue.
*She's lucky AF if you ever read up on Mossad tactics.
Not enough pizza lunches, duh!
Good luck Samsung employees! You deserve this!
Not even "a charity" but those are fine. A mutual aid network is fulfilling. My community has formed an informal, unorganized mutual aid of sorts. We don't necessarily agree with politics or personalities but when we have something to share, time, labor, food, ideas, a few of us are very responsive. The rest work and have children so they're kind of already plates full, thanks.
When people in the woo communities talk about low vibrational, does it mean they have less empathy than a rock?
No she's really like that. A first gen double minority eta: American, former teacher, former Sikh Did nothing for women except mostly performative domestic violence law tweaks, nothing for schools or teachers, nothing for minorities or immigrants. Married decently, got hers, the rest of y'all need to bootstrap it. Oh we stole your boots? They're really ours because we allow you to exist. Fealty, peasants!
ETA: oh, I was wrong. Michael married up
You know this affected a bunch of individual humans, many of whom skipped meals and other things, to buy an overpriced ticket for a moment of brightness in a life of drudgery?