
joined 5 months ago

Can't all visual art and performance art be boiled down to "just a public visual detail that elicited a stupid response from the very stupid people, and probably some delight from the rest of the population"?

That's so beautiful and amazing! Love it. I'll have to think of a proposal to send him

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

[–] 3 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Click "CC" in top right for closed captions, then click gear, ask it to change the captions to auto translate to English. Basically she's saying there's a guy dressed in a silly outfit (in video) walking around and no one knows why. Some people are scared.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

I actually think I see a little of what you're getting at, but maybe it's just my willful interpretation.

The absurd is the gap between what we expect to happen, and what actually happens. We expect to go to work today, it'll be mundane and boring, and then an asteroid hits the road and we can't go in today. How absurd.

Cruelty is often a tool people use to gain control. The absurd by definition is outside of our control. I can see how these could be related in some way


I agree - huge lack of empathy I think coming maybe from jealousy. If that was their kid who had survived, i imagine they'd want extra help for them, financially or otherwise. Just sad that's the only kid left and they have to be horrible to him

I think you're exactly right

It's more likely that when she had his children, Elon felt like he had total control over her and could ramp up his abuse of her. This is a classic maneuver by abusive men. Marriage and moving in together also tend to cause them to lash out, but having a baby usually really does it for them because the woman is often physically weakened by it. This includes raping the woman after she gave birth and isn't healed.

Once the abuse escalates, the woman is able to realize he wasn't going to change and that he'd get worse. She is able to realize it's too much. Someone like Grimes with money and power can escape more easily once they realize this.

So yeah it's less to do with Grimes becoming a mother and realizing he wasn't good enough (implying his behavior has been steady/the same), and more like him trapping her and taking off his mask.

Men like Elon - narcissistic and obsessed with women, especially trans women - have a compulsion to control women like dolls.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Sure, sleep inertia can be caused by lots of things. It is a sign of narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or other sleep issues in many people or can be vitamin based.

Coconut water has a lot more potassium than a banana

Perhaps you had an imbalance of vitamin a. Plant based vitamin a (beta carotene) is safe and can't really be overdosed. Plant based diets tend to have more vitamin e in them as well, and vitamin e sort of counteracts vitamin a.

[–] 20 points 4 days ago (3 children)

"I am tired when I get up," this is also a sign of a sleep disorder like narcolepsy or sleep apnea.

It can be a sign of thyroid issues.

Copper, selenium, zinc, and other deficiencies can cause fatigue as well


Came across the above link (view in Desktop mode) claiming to be an article from 1990 saying that Robert Maxwell not only intervened with these children, they put them on his plane. I was trying to find more information and stumbled on this link after reading the below article which said that Maxwell "may also have helped Jews get out of Romania in the 1980s."

It struck me at the time, with how many similarities Robert Maxwell had to Epstein ...including a love of Ghilsaine, huge financial fraud concerns, and a death that many think could have been murder. And how many people who fight trafficking end up as human traffickers themselves because it allowed them access to victims. It's just so strange that THAT man would have access to these victim networks, and that it would be so difficult to find since he allegedly was doing a good thing, right? It's not even in his obituary in the Time from 1991. But that's some Nobel Peace prize stuff, right? So why is it so hard to find except in passing mentions in articles?

It would be interesting if he really was human trafficking those kids, and it would mean that Ghilsaine wasn't likely recruited by Epstein after her father died, but rather she recruited him to continue her work.

Maxwell told the 2016 deposition that after Epstein was jailed she continued to occasionally work at his properties and kept her ties with him.

“I’m a very loyal person and Jeffrey was very good to me when my father passed away,” she said in the 2016 deposition.

“I felt that it was a very thoughtful, nice thing for me to do to help in a very limited fashion.”

Maybe she was loyal to him because he was her employee.

[Giuffre] claimed that Maxwell had directed her on three occasions to have sex with Prince Andrew.

According to Forbes, Maxwell and Epstein met through her father, convicted fraudster and tabloid king, Robert Maxwell. The pair was introduced as early as 1988, with Robert Maxwell reportedly providing funds for Epstein.

The claim that Robert Maxwell introduced his beloved daughter to Epstein comes from a convicted Ponzi schemer who had dealings with the men, according to Distractify. Other sources have Ghislaine Maxwell meeting Epstein through mutual friends around 1991, the year when Robert Maxwell died after suffering a heart attack and drowning.

Finding out how those two met is likewise quite difficult, which is crazy since both of them went through several trials detailing their crimes. The Forbes article even notes that its likely they knew each other before Robert's death because of a photo of them together around 19 days after he died.


WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — The President of the Navajo Nation announced earlier today that he was sending police to stop the transport of uranium across tribal lands. In his statement, President Buu Nygren said that the shipment was being done illegally. He also stated the lack of notice from the mining company posed a danger to his people.

"The lack of notification to the Navajo Nation is a blatant disregard for our tribal sovereignty and exposes our Diné people to toxic uranium,” Nygren said. “A substance that has devastated our community for decades.”

During the development of the first nuclear bomb and the subsequent nuclear arms race, Navajo lands were home to a large number of uranium mines. Sites across the Colorado Plateau, many of them on the Navajo reservation, were used to extract millions of tons of high-grade uranium ore.

Energy Fuels Inc., the largest uranium provider in the United States, agreed to give the tribe notice before hauling uranium across exempted highways. According to Nygren, the tribe only found out about the shipment after trucks had departed.

[Nygren dispatched tribal police to turn away the shipment. But, according to the Associated Press, the trucks left tribal lands before police could intercept them.

"As president, I do not approve of this transport and will continue to fight to ensure our people are protected from the actions of Energy Fuels,” Nygren said.

While Tuesday’s shipment quickly left tribal lands, no guarantee exists that Energy Fuels will honor their agreement in the future. President Nygren has vowed to use roadblocks to prevent further shipments of uranium while the tribe develops regulations.


This has been a doozy of a year. And it's the best year so far blah blah. So how are you all coping? Does it hit anyone else like a bolt of lightning that probably I - we - won't die of old age?

Half of lemmy (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/
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