
joined 4 years ago

Shredder Machine is the channel where we shred stuff!

In this video, we're shredding metal to relax. If you've ever wanted to watch us shred metal, we got you. It's relaxing, it's satisfying, and it's… metal?

If you want to see more stuff get shredded, be sure to like and subscribe! We'll be back with more videos soon!


In this video, I dismantled the plastic boxes I collected from the garbage container, old and out-of-date surprise eggs, toys and plastic boxes to prevent them from harming the environment.


In this video, we are trying to crush hard plastic balls with a plastic crushing machine. In the Wise experiment channel, you can find scientific, useful, and fun videos with the Shredding machine. #shredder #experiment #shreddingmachine #ball #balls #hardballs #crush #plasticballs #withshredder #machine #funvideos #experiments #wiseexperiments #youtubeexperimentvideos #shredderexperiments