[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

We recommend four widely applicable high-impact (i.e. low emissions) actions with the potential to contribute to systemic change and substantially reduce annual personal emissions: having one fewer child (an average for developed countries of 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent (tCO2e) emission reductions per year), living car-free (2.4 tCO2e saved per year), avoiding airplane travel (1.6 tCO2e saved per roundtrip transatlantic flight) and eating a plant-based diet (0.8 tCO2e saved per year). These actions have much greater potential to reduce emissions than commonly promoted strategies like comprehensive recycling (four times less effective than a plant-based diet) or changing household lightbulbs (eight times less).


[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Nothing at all?

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I'm not sure about that, as I've seen conflicting information. Medicare has existed for around 60 years, and not only have patients been more satisfied with their care on average than people with private insurance, the costs have also been lower than private insurance overall. Couple those factors with metrics from the most recent study I was able to find on the cost of single payer, and the picture seems a bit muddier than you're presenting it.





[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

We recommend four widely applicable high-impact (i.e. low emissions) actions with the potential to contribute to systemic change and substantially reduce annual personal emissions: having one fewer child (an average for developed countries of 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent (tCO2e) emission reductions per year), living car-free (2.4 tCO2e saved per year), avoiding airplane travel (1.6 tCO2e saved per roundtrip transatlantic flight) and eating a plant-based diet (0.8 tCO2e saved per year). These actions have much greater potential to reduce emissions than commonly promoted strategies like comprehensive recycling (four times less effective than a plant-based diet) or changing household lightbulbs (eight times less).


[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Okay, thank you. I wasn't sure. Why couldn't they just pay them 50k and lobby for single payer to save money? It seems like you're suggesting that they'd have to raise wages if single payer was implemented? Maybe I'm still confused, because it still seems like they'd save money in the long run?

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Please forgive my ignorance on the topic. You seem to know a lot about it. Are you saying that they save more money than the insurance costs them?

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Wow! Companies could sure save a lot of money if they lobbied for single-payer! I wonder why they don't! 🤔

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 0 points 1 week ago

👍 Good luck out there!

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

I don't have a position on cell phone interfaces and hadn't planed to give one. No skin in this game, really, though it's clearly a contentious issue!

I just can't help but notice when people are being terrible conversation partners, mostly. Me finding you to be an asshole has nothing to do with how I feel about cell phone ports.

Anyone fucking stupid enough to think the 3.5mm Jack is a good thing deserves the disappointment they feel every time a device doesn’t have own, tbh, bring it on themselves

Are you 12?

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I love how anyone with ~~half a fucking brain~~ poor conversational skills and an inability to see things from someone else's perspective gets down voted.

Try talking to people online as though they were in the same room as you, IRL. If you're already doing that, I have to ask, how many offline friends do you have?

[-] LengAwaits@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

So, the Amazon & Walmart strategy?

I'm not sure... (lemmy.world)

but I think it might be!

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