[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 4 points 42 minutes ago

Well, I didn't know I needed punk/emo Peach (Bowser?), but I do now.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 4 points 49 minutes ago

Yah, replace the UPS with USPS and it'd be bangin

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social -1 points 52 minutes ago

Good analysis. But I have to disagree on number 5. IMO, Trump and his cadre won't be able to do a facist takeover, for precisely the reason you listed - Jan 6. That was their moment, the time for all the shittalkers to get off social media and do something, the high water mark. Aaaand what did they accomplish? They freaked out a bunch of Congresspeople, put some cops in the hospital, did some light property damage, and went home. Promptly leading to, if not a crackdown, than an investigation of everyone involved.

I dunno man, I don't see any future that involves them doing anything more than some scattered violence against 'woke' targets, which will only hurt them in the long run due to the reactions against it. There just...aren't enough of them to do anything.

Completely my opinion, of course.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 3 points 3 days ago

As always...mass transit is better than personal EVs.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 0 points 5 days ago

How about we do mechanical speed limiting like they do with ebikes.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 13 points 5 days ago

How about we compromise and just get rid of cars?

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not a joke: simply stop buying meat. Don't think about how to 'replace' meat. Don't attempt to limit yourself to a certain number of meat meals a week. I tried those things, and I completely failed at them. Make a list of all the meals you eat that do not include meat and/or can be made without meat and just make those. Make sure these are meals that you want to eat - donuts and cheese pizza are fine.

Random suggestions:

-Spaghetti - extra mushrooms, plus onions, peppers, spices as desired

-Veggie sandwhich - Bread of preference, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, humus

-Pizza. Yes, pizza.

-Tacos - black beans, roasted sweet potato cubes, pico de gallo, cheese etc

-Roasted cauliflower - cube it, toss with oil and spices, roast it.

-Chili - buncha beans (pinto, kidney, black, even garbanzos can work), tomato, onion, garlic, chile powder. If you wanna go nuts, add corn and, wierdly - barley. It works great.

-Chana masala - Google it, basically chickpeas with a gravy made of tomatoes, onions, garlic, buncha spices. Very similar to making chili.

EDIT: Formatting. Doh.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 5 points 5 days ago

Your 'argument against GMOs' is an argument against seed patents, not GMOs. That's the same as saying there's an 'argument against insulin' because big companies own the patents and charge lots of money. The product is absolutely irrelevant to the conversation.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

Enh. Just sounds like pearl clutching to me. A lot of lawmakers probably need to be cussed out more. If you can't take an insult you have no business being in politics, which is just a formalized method for handling conflict.

MTG made it personal because she's an asshole, and Jaime clapped back to demonstrate that the committee was being biased in not censuring MTG. This happened because of willful disregard of the rules that are in place to prevent this sort of thing, and Jaime handled perfectly: she escalated instead of bowing to an unfair ruling.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 0 points 2 weeks ago

Right, so maybe if it's now being applied in a discriminatory fashion, it's now due for a change? My point is that enforcement of the law cannot be considered separate from the law. A law that cannot be enforced does nothing, and a law that creates discrimination in enforcement is a discriminatory law.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

Nah, the government. Trying to de-radicalize people with ingrained beliefs is hard and unlikely. Accept the parent's wierd beliefs, let the kids go to school wearing whatever the parents want, and you get much less radical kids out the other end.

Yah, every graph of % of religious people is trending solidly down.

[-] Landsharkgun@midwest.social 6 points 2 weeks ago

None of these points are relevant. Nobody is selling SMRs as better than large-scale plants (at least I hope they're not). The point of SMRs is that they are much easier to bring in and put down. A huge portion of the world still runs on fossil fuels, often with frequent brownouts or scheduled blackouts. Being able to bring in a RELIABLE non-fossil fuel power plant at a smaller scale would be huge. Distributed solar has some pretty awesome potential for individual households if you don't care about on- demand power, but you do eventually need something for your denser cities etc.


Illustration of a Haliomma echinaster, a bioluminiescent radiolarian. From Molecular and Microscopic Science by Mary Somerville, polymath and 'queen of science'

Fanart - Custodes (midwest.social)

In honor of all of the chuds being Big Mad about female custodes, here's some cool fanart I found of one. Link to creator's deviantart.

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