[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 12 points 2 days ago

Nah. Derision, public shaming, and ostracism are fundamental to the maintenance of the social contract. How else can we moderate extremists? The denazification of Germany was effective because they didn't shy away from these methods.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 4 points 2 days ago

I like looking at butts more than heart shapes anyway.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 28 points 4 days ago

And why they dismantle the systems they're tasked with protecting the moment they can.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 7 points 6 days ago

Over the years of using Vim both professionally and for my own uses, I've learned to just install LunarVim and only add a handful of packages/overrides. Otherwise I just waste too much time tinkering and not doing the things I need to.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 69 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Most debt actually can't be inherited, instead debt collectors get first dibs on inheritance assets until they're made whole or the estate runs out of assets, whichever comes first.

That doesn't mean that debt collectors won't try to convince family members to pay. Just tell them where they can shove it.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 7 points 1 week ago

Fair. I always thought of Pennsyl-Tucky was more a state of mind/politics rather than an area, but I'm not a local and haven't been in the area for years so I'm inclined to believe you.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

City very much in the heart of Pennsyl-Tucky

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 9 points 1 week ago

I have the same feeling.

I think it's due to how knowledgeable, practical, and yet pessimistic Watney's inner monologue is through the book. It's one thing to see something go wrong on screen (they did show all of the major issues as far as I recall, and a few minor ones too), it's another to have the main character scientifically dissect exactly how fucked he is or will be if the next attempt at a solution fails.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 6 points 1 week ago

Yes...? All are except Microsoft, which is why most companies I work with aren't looking that way.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 30 points 1 week ago

I know several large companies looking to Microsoft, Xen, and Proxmox. Though the smart ones are more interested in the open source solutions to avoid future rug-pulls.

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 1 points 1 week ago

Look into RAG using a vector database, this is exactly what they're for. https://www.linkedin.com/events/buildaragapplicationontheaistac7191489677017649153

[-] Kata1yst@kbin.social 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

This link better be Surf Ninjas or you and I will have words.

Edit- We good.

submitted 6 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/evs@lemmy.world

16.5% of new car sales are compact crossovers, but only 6% of those are EVs.


As I'm sure some of you noticed, very shortly after Ernest posted the update to KBin that allowed for abandoned magazine adoption, I took over this magazine.

After a quick flurry of activity kicking the former moderator and owner who hadn't logged in in over 3 months and using a spammer as some target practice for my shiny new ban hammer, I haven't done much aside from contribute a pair of crossposts.

It's been quiet, which is totally okay of course. There are other great Threadiverse selfhosted communities I hope all who are interested have already found.

But I'd ideally like to find a niche for this community to fill. My small contribution back to the community at large I've been benefitting from for over a decade now.

Do any of you have cool ideas? We could do themed days, giveaways, weekly posts, a wiki, a matrix server, whatever really.

Or we could simply update the sidebar to redirect to other selfhosting communities.

Any and all ideas welcome!


Good conversation here. I migrated from Duplicati/B2 to Kopia/B2, happy with it so far!


Not your typical selfhosting, but a very cool use case.


The past week has shown humanity at its worst: A horrific terrorist attack left at least 1,300 Israelis dead, among them peace activists and even innocent children. The fates of many more kidnapped civilians still lie in the balance. Meanwhile, statements from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggest retaliation…


DAVENPORT, IA—Perplexed by the toddler’s affection for the nonagenarian, sources confirmed Tuesday that local 2-year-old Ava Kerper was getting awfully attached to her 90-year-old grandmother. “She knows the average life expectancy is like, 77, right?” said the sources, who scoffed while watching the child demonstrate her complete and embarrassing obliviousness, wrapping her arms around her grandmother and announcing, “You’re my favorite!” “Personally, if I were going to choose a favorite person in the whole wide world, I’d choose someone with more than six months to live, tops, but hey, you do you, I guess. Christ, this is not going to end well. If this kid’s not careful, Grandma will die with Ava on her lap, and then she’ll live with that regret.” At press time, sources confirmed it was Kerper’s own fault for not learning her lesson with her 98-year-old grandfather.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/theonion@midwest.social

WASHINGTON—Shedding light on the enduring appeal behind assault rifle ownership, a Pew study released Monday revealed that more Americans were buying AR-15s to defend themselves from toddlers who found their guns. “Many Americans stressed that they felt safer knowing they had an AR-15 at the ready in case their toddler stumbled across a shoebox holding a loaded gun on the floor of a closet and started firing away,” said researcher Jonathan Lieu, noting that the majority of AR-15 owners told his team they purchased the lightweight rifle due to their recurring fears about waking in the night to their 2-year-old giggling as they shot bullet holes through the bedroom door. “One response we often heard was that it was a Second Amendment right for gun owners to defend themselves against their own young children. They also stressed that a baseball bat or pepper spray simply wasn’t enough firepower to take down their gun-toting kids.” Lieu added that many Americans also rushed out to purchase tear gas grenades after their children inevitably got their hands on the AR-15s.

submitted 10 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/tech@kbin.social

On July 1, an Indiana law went into effect making it a crime to come within 25 feet of an on-duty police officer if ordered to stay back.

submitted 10 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/tech@kbin.social

Whittaker said Signal would not abide by the proposed law, and highlighted concerns about privacy and the need for tech leaders to take a stand against socially accepted surveillance.

submitted 10 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/tech@kbin.social

The search giant is fine-tuning chatbot technology via medical licensing exams.

submitted 11 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/tech@kbin.social

Streaming has ruined media preservation for an entire generation, and older games aren’t faring so well either. Piracy is the only way to save them.

submitted 11 months ago by Kata1yst@kbin.social to c/opensource@kbin.social

While a few years late compared to many other open-source projects adopting a Code of Conduct, the GCC Steering Committee has now adopted a Code of Conduct 'CoC' for this open-source compiler project.

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joined 1 year ago