I think it says a lot about Australia that methamphetamine is present in significant enough quantities to be worth mentioning.
Who's we? I'm not even in the same hemisphere as the dumpster fire that is the USA.
That rule clearly isn't being enforced at all, have you seen the state of this place?
Seeing Bernie speak truth to power is incredibly refreshing, especially since he points the finger not at the voting public, but at his own team mates, who absolutely did drop the ball multiple times.
I hope people actually take his words on board.
It sounds like the Democrats just failed to present themselves as a viable alternative, or really inspire or motivate anyone to vote. Their platform seemed to be largely not being Trump.
Do It.
Nuke the bridge to start off.
I'm pleasantly surprised how level headed the replies to that comment are.
It's very reminiscent of Hillary's "deplorables" comment, isn't it? The smug sense of self satisfaction comes oozing from the screen.
Keep being smug and condescending, and insult your opponent at every opportunity. That'll change people's minds.
Yep. Let's get this over with.
Actually, I'm in the southern hemisphere, so I'll probably be OK.
Still amazing to me that the Mujahadeen were the good guys in a Rambo movie.
I'm not entirely convinced you're not talking like this to take the piss, to be honest.