[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 3 points 1 hour ago

I and a good number of other type one diabetics ended up in EAST due to the sugar tax.

Honestly I am not against the tax. Just feel the companies should have rebounded a little.

Many T1ds were so used to buying coke etc when they are going low. We got hit hard by how quickly the companies adapted and started only selling the lower sugar versions.

To the extent that the NHS will now RX small buttles of high glucose drinks. (Lemon or Berry flavoured but non fizzy) just to ensure T1ds have an easy source of sugar to prevent unsafe low blood sugar comas.

As I say its something easy to fix now. We all just grab fruit juice. But the change and companies reactions to it. Left many of us waking up in an ambulance on the way to ER.

If they start applying it to all products. And the companies all act the same way. Just reducing sugars without any clear branding.

It will leave us with zero easy high sugar option that can be grabbed easily from any small village shop etc.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 4 points 3 hours ago

Young people can really make a difference in this election.

The difference being a move from tories just losing. To them failing to be the main opposition party.

The current predictions on electoral calculus are 66 seats for the tories. 59 seats for the lib dems.

But there are a predicted 53 seats where lib dems are predicted to land within 10 % of the tories winning.

Young voters are generally under represented in this polling. So if you live in one of those seats. A high agreement to tactical vote among younger voters. And a higher turn out. Could be enough to turn 4 or more seats. Making the lib de,s the official opposition.

And the tories the 3rd party.

Personally I cannot imagine a more effective way to inform the tories they funked up with younger voters.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 4 points 5 hours ago

Sunak started an attackkmon the disabled and the benifits system a few days before announcing the system.

Basically trying to claim they are all scammers.

Talking about ending cash support for some corperatikn run voucher and catalog system. And much more actual bull claims blaming the disabled for being g a burden on the welfare system. Forgetting most actually work already.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 3 points 5 hours ago

Lol. Well ill assure you. This post was not edited their.

This post ;)

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 4 points 8 hours ago

Yeah shit happens when trying to type on a tablet. And visually impaired,

So honestly if you fail to understand ask.

Or just keep it to your self. No one needs your opinion is this situation.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 5 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Honestly so would I. Shy tories have always been a thing.

But as I say. 10 % swing from current polling in what electoral calculus calls lib medium support seats. There are 53 of these. So 53 seats currently predicted to go tory. That a high turn out of young motivated voters could change the predictions on.

Far from impossible. It just take a normally under represented voting block to agree. Tories need a undeniable message.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 11 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Seriosly that would be hilarious. And honestly looking at electoral calculus. Very doable if younger voters make an effort to agree and turn out.

Unfortunately it means voting lib dem in large numbers. As they are the only party predicted to gain seats close to the tories. Also they are where moderate tory voters are likely to go if scared of labours left leaning support.

Atm electoral calculus puts tories at a predicted 66 seats. Take some time to laugh at that one.

Lib dems at 59. So moving 4 or more safe tory seats to lib dem really would do this.

Looking at the electoral calculus predictive models. It would take an average of a 10 % swing in what they call Lib Dem medium strength seats.

Honestly this is very doable if younger anti tory voters turn out in much higher number then normal. And agree tory removal is more important under fptp. Then voting you actual desires for more left of centre options. Those options have low odds of gaining these seats anyway.

Come on guys. Sell how funny having the tories as not only out. But not even in opposition would be to your friends.

I live in a historically tory safe area. Where both boundary changes and polling. Make it a lib dem predicted win. Hell it looks like most of oxfordxhire is predicting lib dem atm. With the City going labour.

Also it would mean an opposition party that trully supports an end to fptp. And has done since the 80s at least. So question time will become a bit more interesting. If actual spending policy becomes little more then minor bickering.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 8 points 13 hours ago

Very much so. Its not like bribery was unexpected from the party. I honestly predicted something more direct. Like a few billion cost of living payment within the first 100 days.

Corruption is def what gained the tories low pole numbers.

But honestly their announcements leading up to and during the election. All are bad but these stand out.

Trying to start a culture war with disabled people.

National service.

Pension promises.

They are so clearly aimed at small groups of traditional tory voters. Rather then mass appeal.

It really is hard to see them as anything but desperate and out of touch.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 day ago

Ill also add. I lost my cancelled licence within a few years wallets go missing and in my case stolen. Most no longer able to drive have no ability to replace a lost licence.

And the main point I mentioned. Its aqlso about efficency. The same local authority issuing retired bus passes and disabled bus passes are prooving the ID and disability when doing so.

Why the hell would you requiore them to do it a second time just so the folks can vote once their licence is no longer valid. I mean the tories are hardly funding extrastaff for local authorities to handle it.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 day ago

retirement is 65 to 90 or more. The number of people living past 90 has increased hugly over the last few generations. 100 is still rare but far from unheard of.

So yes a sizable number of retired voters will no longer be safe to drive.

As for you self declare. Yeah that is nopt a good thing. And way less then 100%. For some conditions your doctor is required to notify the DVLA. As are police officers if you are4 stopped and they feel your mental or physical state means you are unsafe to drive.

At that point you are required to get a doctor to confirm your medical condition is not a threat.

And dude sorry to tell you this. When your parents or grandparents get to the age where they are unsafe to drive.

It is your moral and sociatal duty to convince them to declare.

This is why my mother is no longer driving.

(Males in my family have a genetic condition. That means we lose vision in our 40s or before. So my dad and myself were both stopped by the doctor informing us then reporting to the DVLA the condition had gotten that bad. Dad many years before me)

And my parents discouraged my grandad on my mothers side at 75 as parkinsons started to show.

honestly once you reach retirement age their are many many things that can happen. Many you will survive but will leave you unable to respond safely in an accident. And the vast majority of families do encourage them to declare.

Police unfortunatly are far to often only involved in an accident or near accident.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 day ago

Apparently since 2013. Yes it is. Took a while to find the law. So honestly the gov really did not point it out to folks. The ID stuff overrode this change.

It only applies if a registration officer actually asks you to do so. And that request must be given in writing. So honestly I can't help but wonder why they felt the need to add it.

[-] HumanPenguin@feddit.uk 1 points 1 day ago

Wow. Apparently that changed in 2013 as well.

Honestly don't blame folks for not knowing this. With all the voter ID stuff it really was not made clear to the public that a fine was added. Most brits grew up in a system where it was entirly optional.

There really has been no attempt at publishing this change.

It only applies if a registration officer specifically asks you to register. And honestly that has been very rare up to now. Makes me wonder why the tories felt this was needed.


I hope this is allowed here.

With the stuff happening in the UK atm. And honestly since 2010.

It really seems time we had a lemmy community specifically to discuse UK issues benifits and advice in general. These things are so specific to each nation. Such forums are a good idea.

While I am happy to set one up on feddit.uk . Or join and help anyone else setting one up.

Running such a community really will need several people willing to dedicate a bit of time moderating etc. More so as it is more likely for moderators to experience periods were they are less able to be involved. A decent sized mod team following agreed rules. Will allow any members to take a stress break as life gets complicated.

I am thinking about a community that allows posting of UK specific news. Asking advice. And rants as long as all members are friendly to each other. About life in the UK with any disability. Even self identified. Although depending on advice asked etc. Self identified disabilities are likely to need to be identified.

Please share you opinions.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HumanPenguin@feddit.uk to c/raspberrypi@lemmy.ml

Hi again folks.

I am looking at a small project. Once again for my boat.

As this one really has very little need to write. Just regular temperature logging with time from multiple sources.

I am considering setting the pie to store all temporary files in memory. Running the main os from the SD card. And just using an extra USB storage for logging temps etc.

This should hopefully leave the system needing very little maintainance. With just the USB flash drive prown to wearing out every couple of years.

I'd be greatfull for any links to folks who have set up similar systems.

Or other ideas on safe low maintainance ways of running a pi zero os.


Hi. I am looking at using a cm4 and Waveshare mini io board. For a project I am setting up on my small narrowboat.

As the tiny antique single cylinder diesel engine. Means the boat suffers from a fair bit of vibration. And this will be the first time I have used a CM4.

I was hoping some folks could share there experiance/advice on using CM4 boards in similar rough environments.

I am planning to build a system mounted to din rails with rubber pads to absorb some of the vibration. But any other experience other have can only help.


Hi I am looking for a little connection advice.

I use a radio on my narrowboat. As such I am in the process of building a simple random wire antenna. Idea being I have a 5m mast I can raise on the boat while moored. Then run a wire to a local tree or another portable mast.

The issue I am looking for some help with. Is finding connectors so I can set up different length antenna depending on available space.

I have a large kite winding wheel to store the wire with a 9:1 unun on the end. But need to be able to set up 3 different lengths. 143-84-(36 i think) feet. To do this I need some form of connector a lot stronger the your typical bullet crimp. The wind on the towpath and movement of the boat will separate such connectos easy. As the boat rocks. But anything much larger the a bullet will not roll around the kite reel well.

I am looking for some kind on single wire electrical connector. That screws together. So I can select the best length for the enviroment I am in. Unscrew the wire at that length. Commect it to an elastic rope attached to the tree or land based mast.

If the worst comes. I'll make something myself using m2 bolts and inset standoffs. But would love to know if anyone has seen something ready made that will do this.

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joined 11 months ago