I wish they'd do a graphics refresh on LotRO. That was a great game in its day.
Back on a Fallout 4 trip this weekend.
If I had to take a guess, its probably from folks running over it and breaking it off.
Really dry and dusty in this room.
Thought this was a witch from L4D.
If I'm doing a drive-by of Reddit, I might nab a few stories, but for the most part I don't even load it anymore.
Paid reviews can accomplish a lot.
You can sue over anything, sure, but if you're really considering it, you're better off waiting for HR to finish its investigation. If it comes out in your favor, you can use that to bolster your position; if it doesn't, then you may want to rethink filing. Let somebody else's money do your litmus test.
Popular speech doesn't require defense.
A lot of the early books come from a time before the church decided to make Abrahamic religions monotheistic. YHWH was once the Hebrew god of war; a god within a pantheon of others. In that context, it makes sense that the other gods would have been doing their own thing. Another good example is GEN 3:22.
Then we repeated it with Noah. The Bible is big on incest.
Or kill it. If every image is suspect, real crimes/transgressions become a lot harder to prove.