[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 18 points 2 months ago

And, F-Droid shows apps that were installed from the Play Store.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 12 points 2 months ago

For me it's not about the size, it's about the understanding. I'd really like to understand what everything on my system does and why it's there. It seems impossible with modern systems. Back in the '90s I needed a secure email relay - it had lilo, kernel, init, getty, bash, vi, a few shell utils (before busybox..), syslogd and sendmail. I'm not sure any more as it was a long time ago, but I think I even statically linked everything so there was no libc. I liked that system.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 months ago

Oh, I know how they work - we have an ET-8550. I just didn't realise generic ink could be so cheap. My wife sells prints of her photographs and artwork so is a bit "cautious" about her ink and only uses genuine Epson at $25 per 70ml. I just looked on Amazon and found that generic ink can be had for around $6-7 per 70ml ($40 for a 6-pack) - wow!

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 months ago

What ink are you getting for $12?? Even allowing for quite a bit of poetic licence, this seems ridiculously cheap.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 23 points 2 months ago

It blows my mind that they need to do this with physical phones. I would have thought they could virtualise/emulate everything needed.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 3 points 2 months ago

That made me laugh for real. Mainly because it bought back memories - I'm pretty sure I first heard it from my dad - about 50 years ago.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

What's going to stop you from taking over?

Sane, rational people don't want to take over anything. We just want to vote for reasonable governments, let said government get on with governing and get on with our lives. We don't want to be bombarded with all this political bullshit everywhere we turn - MAGA stickers and Fuck Biden stickers, you can't open any comment thread on any public social media post without some idiot blaming Biden for the most ridiculous things.

Since the growth of the internet and social media these right wing nazi fucktards have figured out they can weaponise their followers to take over anything at any level and with your attitude to this site that's exactly what I predict will happen there.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 months ago

Wow - I'd forgotten about Flickr

Food looks good!

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 months ago

One beer early evening. We eat later.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 months ago

You clearly didn't use it for long enough - I was "stuck" with it for over 20 years. I wouldn't say I liked it, but it was so familiar I couldn't dislike it.

[-] GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

We've got a 12 year old mixed breed dog (part Irish Wolfhound) with arthritis in her hips and spine and she's really been struggling to get up on our hard floors. My wife did some research and found Dr Buzby's toe grips. They seem expensive for little bits of rubber, but two days in now and they seem to actually work!



I'm a retired Unix sysadmin. Over the years I've built things in COBOL, FORTAN, C, perl, rexx, PHP, visual basic, various Unix shells and maybe others. Nothing has been a real "application" - mostly just utilities to help me get things done.

Now that I'm retired, and it's cold outside, I'm curious to try some more coding - and I have an idea.

The music communities here seem to post links to YouTube. I generally use Lemmy on my phone but don't use YouTube, or listen to music, on my phone if I can help it. I'd like to scrape a music community here and add the songs posted to a playlist in my musicbrainz account.

Does that sound like a reasonable learner project? Any suggestions for language and libraries appreciated. My preferred IDE is vim on bash and I have a home server running Linux where this could run as a daemon, or be scheduled.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca to c/buyitforlife

I'm retired spend most of my time in my workshop or doing maintenance on outbuildings on our rural property. I really like Dickies Duck Logger pants, but they seem to wear out quickly. I have three pairs that get worn almost constantly in rotation. The oldest pair is now just over two years old and is worn out - I've repaired the seam in the crotch once, but now the fabric either side of it is thread bare. My phone has worn trough the bottom of the right front pocket.

Are there similar pants that will last longer, or am I expecting too much?

I'm in Canada.


I'm a retired Unix admin. It was my job from the early '90s until the mid '10s. I've kept somewhat current ever since by running various machines at home. So far I've managed to avoid using Docker at home even though I have a decent understanding of how it works - I stopped being a sysadmin in the mid '10s, I still worked for a technology company and did plenty of "interesting" reading and training.

It seems that more and more stuff that I want to run at home is being delivered as Docker-first and I have to really go out of my way to find a non-Docker install.

I'm thinking it's no longer a fad and I should invest some time getting comfortable with it?

submitted 6 months ago by GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca to c/sony@lemdro.id

Up until now I've only seen suggestions for content offered by the various streaming services. Today I started getting ads for a Hyundai car!

I tried to log a support call with Sony but they said they couldn't do anything without a photo of the offending ad. I now have a photo so will try again tomorrow. I know a single support call won't do anything (though I intend to be very persistent), but if enough people log formal complaints maybe Sony will "talk to" Google.

I know this is deep first world problems territory, but I feel really betrayed having a device I paid $2,300 for being used to shove ads in my face.

submitted 9 months ago by GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca to c/foxes@lemmy.world

Silver fox enjoying the sun in my yard. Photo is a bit soft because I had to shoot through a dirty window.

submitted 10 months ago by GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca to c/birding@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by GreatBlueHeron@lemmy.ca to c/birding@lemmy.world
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