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[–] 7 points 1 year ago (5 children)

The article cites some very good points, The government could indeed control how your money gets spent and they could and would effectively shut you down as a functioning member of society if you got on their bad side. Let's be clear I am not saying that only the liberals would do this,I'm sure the Conservatives or the NDP wouldn't roll this back if they came to power and they had the ability to control your pocket book. No politician gives back a new power when they get it, despite any special situation requiring the power ending. No, the liberals wouldn't be the only party to use such an ability, but they are the party the had the trial run. As for the "need" namely mitigating two potential future threats of the mass adoption of external currencies and the next financial crisis. Precisely how easy is it to walk into a store and pay for your milk in bitcoin, or to pay your electricity bill with Yuan...the answer is you can't so that first argument is basically smoke and mirrors. As for mitigating a financial crisis...if the same people who control our current fiat currency also control any potential digital currency...l am unclear as to this mechanism of mitigation will work. Cash is king but cash is also anonymous meaning you can spend it on what you like or give it to anyone you want...and the government gets no say. With digital currency that all goes away.

[–] 23 points 1 year ago (6 children)

This is what happens when you don't push back against corporations. They cracked down on password sharing and signed up more users. They know that this change will force everyone into a higher tier with little to know effective pushback. I gave up my Netflix account a while ago, mostly due to a lack of good entertainment. When there is a show I want to watch I purchase a gift card and create an account for the duration it takes me to watch the season of that show, the rest of the time they get no money from me. The only way to make a corporation take you seriously is to affect their profit margin. Other than that anything and everything you do or say is just noise.

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