joined 1 year ago
[–] -2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Yeah, buying medication is literally the only good use-case for cryptocurrencies, but it still is a valid and important use-case that saves lives!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I’m willing to agree partially: AFAIK the usual classification of the economic system of the SU is “state capitalism” which is indeed distinct from capitalism and socialism and I’m even willing to grant it that, if well executed (in the SU it mostly wasn’t) it has the potential to be better than capitalism in a few aspects.

That said, I agree about the notion that fascism is a form of capitalism: The two are often associated with each other, but at the end of the day quite distinct and orthogoanl systems. Fascism is about having a powerful leader who oppresses the population and the SU very much had that in an almost textbook-manner with Stalin, though I will also acknowledge that there were of course detals in hwo it differed from say Naziism in Germany at the same time.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

No it’s more likely that they are an actual leftist. China and Ruzzia are (and the SU was!) fascist hellholes that have nothing to do with socialism and/or communism besides screaming it of the windows all the time.

And people who delude themselves to believe something else are really annoying…

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Wenn eine Person aber in eine Notwehrlage gerät und nur Tierabwehrspray und kein milderes Mittel zur Verfügung hat darf diese Person das Tierabwehrspray auch legal zur Selbstverteidigung gegen Menschen einsetzen.

Das gilt im Übrigen sogar in viel weiterem Umfang. Wenn ich mich nicht völlig falsch erinnere gab es sogar mal ein BGH-Urteil, dass der Einsatz einer illegalen (Feuer?-) Waffe in einer Notwehrsituation nicht nur nicht strafbar ist, sondern du danach noch nicht einmal wegen illegalen Waffenbesitzes bestraft werden darfst, weil das ja nur durch die legale Notwehrhandlung ans Licht kam und du wenn du die Waffe aus Angst vor Konsequenzen für den illegalen Besitz nicht benutzen könntest ja in deiner legalen Notwehrfähigkeit herabgesetzt wärst. Oder so ähnlich, IANAL.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Also in dem Moment in dem er sie festhält ist es halt kein catcalling mehr sondern ein körperlicher Angriff und sollte ERHEBLICH härter bestraft werden. Von 100€ + 180€ auf Bewährung lässt sich doch niemand der sowas macht abschrecken.

Ob man jetzt Catcalling das auch wirklich nur solches ist unter Strafe stellen muss kann man so oder so sehen. Aber an der Stelle ist es halt nicht okay, dass das nur als catcalling eingestuft wurde.

Aber gut, wir haben hier in NL auch einfach ein komplett verkrüppeltes Notwehrrecht. Mit der Deutschen Variante von wegen „Das Recht braucht dem Unrecht nicht zu weichen“, die im Grunde auf eine sehr harte Version von „Stand your ground“ hinaus läuft ginge da ERHEBLICH mehr.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

I saw “driverless waymo” in the title.

Also: Prejudice against people wearing fedoras is still prejudice and thus not really a great thing to have. One of my best friends also likes to wear a hat at times (not sure if it counts as a fedora, I know very little about heads) and is one of the sweetest people I know.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

there is technically a limit of “too high” E but its so incredibly high you’ll never get anywhere close on normal dosing.

To add to this: The usual joke on /r/transDIY whenever someone manages to miscalculate and do a 10× overdose is “congrats, you are pregnant now”, because E-levels during pregnancy are crazy high. And you don’t exactly see pregnant women dying left and right either, so don’t worry too much.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Ouch! I’m not in the UK, so I didn’t follow it too closely, but they had some problem with the NHS recently, though it seemed that they got it under control. Maybe that is not the case though. In that case, says that the following homebrewers also sell to the UK

You probably want Estradiol Enanthate which has to be injected weekly. I’d recommend to get a multi-year supply just to be on the safe side. With injections monotherapy is viable! Most people seem to calculate one vial lasting for about one year, give or take depending on your exact dosing.

There is also the option to buy raw estradiol and mix your own spray or gel. The advantage is that a lifetime-supply of E is comparatively affordable this way. Check /r/estrogel on reddit for more info on that.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Get on the waiting lists just in case to be able to eventually get bottom surgery covered. Even if you don’t want it now, you very well may by the time your turn comes and you can still say no then.

The primary DIY provider for TERF-island is Vanna Pharma who sell gel and injectables. If you want to use gel you will probably need an anti-androgen from a different source, Estradiol monotherapy is generally considered to be less viable with transdermals (with injections it’s usually fine), which you can find on these sites that list well established, trusted sellers:

You probably want Cyproterone Acetate (“Cypro”/“CPA”) in pill form. Don’t exceed 12.5mg (get a pill-cutter!) per day and rather increase E if your T isn’t fully supressed by that.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

It’s great!

Personally I’m using 12.5mg Cypro and six pumps of Felicitas’ gel, though that is probably overkill. (I used to take two, but my E-levels were low-ish and since I too have to pay for my blood tests I just took the “a lot helps a lot”-approach, though in part this may have been due to issues with the bottle I was using since the new one produces much more gel per pump than the old one.)

I have an appointment with the hospital in Rotterdam on Friday, hopefully they will finally give me an official prescription…

[–] 29 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Okay, this really seems more like a case of sexual harassment, rather than harassment of Waymo customers, which was my first suspicion. Had it been the latter as part of a politically motivated action against the company I might have had a lot more sympathy, but this is disgusting…

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Which country are you in? If you can get someone else it might be an option to file a misconduct complaint with the medical oversight board and potentially criminal charges for insulting you.

And yeah, DIY is always the way to go. Use the medical system where you can, but NEVER trust them and NEVER let them get in your way. Lie if you have to.

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