"It's already installed... as a Snap package."
"Scrape missing external link previews" is really nice and something Voyager doesn't have.
Their lifetime offers come and go, actually, because otherwise they would bankrupt themselves.
hands feel even
Strangely enough I know exactly what she meant by that. Over a decade ago I used to do this thing with words and sentences. Take the word "word", for example. W goes to the left. O goes to the right. R goes to the left and so D goes to the right. We ended on the right, so it's fine. But if we ended on the left, then I had to add another word and turn this little mental exercise into a decent sentence.
Sentences were kind of cheating, though, because even if I ended on the left then I just added a dot, which would fill a single "spot" and so make me "end on the right."
Yep. Convoluted, I know. It used to keep me up at night.
Not to throw shades or anything, but it released in a very buggy state. I would never have put money on Bean at this stage of development, and worst of all the sale was time limited, putting me off even more.
You know, red flags and all that. I'm not saying Bean won't end up being a great app, but when you give money to get into an Alpha well, you get what you paid for.
I'm guessing Lemmy is now converting GIFs to WEBMs to save space, then.
Trouble is, I just tried it on my end and yeah, Safari won't open it. VLC can, however. I guess it means Lemmy apps will need to add a webm library now.
Edit: just saw your edit. I'm mentioning Safari because clearly Voyager was trying to open the webm using the in-app browser and not natively. Meaning Voyager doesn't know how to deal with this format.
webm image
Those aren't images but videos. "webp" is an image format. Nowadays webms should be supported by Safari, though. Do you have a link so people can check what's going on?
The OP is TMNT, not Battletoads. Different green guys.
Half the time when I click an image link hosted on Discord, it turns out to be a dead link. I hope this new policy will help make them dead-er so people can finally stop using them. Discord isn't Imgur, Jesus.
Oh mais je veux uniquement annoter des PDF ! Seulement voilà, Draw va avoir tendance à changer la police des zones de texte présentes dans le PDF, même quand ces polices sont présentes sur ton système. Ça fait qu'en plus de faire mes annotations, je dois aussi faire de la mise en page. Pas fou !
Donc si SimplePDF ne vandalise pas le texte existant comme le fait Draw, ça me fera déjà gagner pas mal de temps !
Pas de support PWA
OK ça marche, merci pour l'info :-)
Cool, je vais tester à l'occasion. Merci ! Pour le moment je modifie les PDF avec Libre Office Draw mais la gestion des polices de caractère est assez désastreuse avec ça. Rien d'insurmontable, mais ça reste chiant de remettre en page quoi. J'espère que SimplePDF fonctionnera mieux ;-)
Du coup le fonctionnement hors-ligne est supporté, si je l'installe en tant que PWA ? (J'ai pas accès à un PC pour essayer là tout de suite.)
La SNCF m'avait envoyé un e-mail pour se vanter de ça et c'est vrai que moi aussi, ça m'avait fait tiquer.
Surtout que depuis quoi, un an (?), ils ont rendu le système de contact avec le service client encore plus compliqué en forçant le passage par un chatbot à la con. C'est vraiment minable. Si ça ça peut obtenir le titre de "service client de l'année", je n'ose pas imaginer la qualité des autres entreprises françaises.