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[-] 1 points 42 minutes ago

on gaza *GENOCIDE.

[-] -3 points 1 hour ago

what makes the state the state is not anything written on paper.

it is the state's monopoly on violence.

Sovcits need to get this through their thick fucking skulls: If one fails to comply to a government's demands, that government will fucking murder them. They'll come up with a reason. Not because they need one, though, but merely because it's more convenient for them if they can present a rationale as to why SOME livestock are ripe for the slaughter while the rest of us are """safe""".

Every one of those bastard pigs can end anyone's life with minimal consequences; they are all too often entirely ABOVE THE LAW.

Understanding and accepting this is necessary to SURVIVE. Keep up the charade of civility, or the jack booted thugs with their shiny tin badges will come to kick down your door, shoot your dog, 'civil asset forfeiture' seize anything they want, put a lien on your house for the "cost" of the "service" of ruining your life, and then foreclose on your shit leaving your family homeless and there is N O T H I N G anyone can do about it except make themselves a less convenient target.

[-] 14 points 1 day ago

Twitter forcing me to stop using Twitter is an incredible galaxy brain suicide maneuver. I can't wait to see it explode spectacularly in a blaze of stupid right in elon's face

[-] 19 points 2 days ago

it's her behavior and ideology that makes the painting accurate :3

[-] 12 points 2 days ago

i feel so seen

[-] 77 points 2 days ago

if she weren't rich, i'd feel bad for her. her status and authority, unfortunately, make her an acceptable target for nonviolent criticism, such as really ugly portraits.

[-] 28 points 3 days ago

broke: praying the job will get done by the consensus of several million people.

bespoke: knowing the job will get done by the impact of just a few little bullets.

[-] 12 points 3 days ago

oh yes! Anatomically modern humans have been around for like 200,000 years before we developed agriculture and started to develop permanent settlements!

[-] 25 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

it has been approximately 12000 years since our ancestors constructed what are now the ruins at Gobekli Tepe. But saying it's been exactly 12,000 years would be silly, so let's toss in some variation and call it the present 12,024 years since then. I like this because it puts the history we presently call "ancient" into perspective. By this measure, the bronze age began around the year 6,800 and its collapse happened around the year 8,800. Two thousand years, our species toiled at working bronze. Yes, a lot of explosive progress (some of it literal) happened in the 11,900s, but it took us over eleven thousand years to get there in the first place. We're really not so far from the 11,500s when we were just getting used to connecting the whole globe with transoceanic trade. It seriously stunts our achievements to write off everything that happened prior to year 10,000 as if it were irrelevant.

[-] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Make up excuses, ruin other people's work, take credit for that same work when it survives their meddling, bang hookers and hit ketamine all day, and lie constantly.

[-] 21 points 6 days ago

Businesses will charge as much as they can get away with.

If they CAN charge, they WILL charge, and as long as you keep buying, they'll keep gouging.

I hate to say it but maybe we could all afford to eat a little less often. We have an obesity epidemic. This "bliss point" hyper palatable processed garbage is killing us. If we stopped buying it, and learned to just fucking live with being hungry every so often, we wouldn't be dying of heart failure as much.

[-] 2 points 6 days ago

thank you for posting this, it helped me get into the eepy mood i needed in order to rest ^_^

innie rule (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Also trans rights

submitted 9 months ago by to c/

One of the interaction menu options (where "Cross-post / Send Message / Report Post / Block user / Block Community" live)
OR (preferably)
perhaps even one of the external buttons (next to Comment / Save / Original Post -OR- next to Upvote / Downvote)
should be the ability to either hide or collapse a given post so the things you've already seen take up less screen space
(but shouldn't be permanently lost to you so you can go back to something if you decide you want to look at it again)

Also, apologies if this is already suggested, I tried to search, and either it isn't there or the search function isn't very good.

submitted 10 months ago by to c/

... but it's not like he's not in a rush.

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joined 10 months ago