
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 11 months ago (10 children)

Murder is deliberately targeting, it is a war crime, it is what Hamas did, it is what Nazis did.

When terrorists hide behind civilians and civilians are killed inadvertently in the midst of a war it is called collateral damage, they are not intentionally targeted and it is not Anwar crime. Again hamas is the war criminal hiding behind them.

In every war civilians die because of collateral damage, in WW2, the civil war, every war. The difference is hamas targets children and hides behind them, Israel takes steps to avoid civilian casualties

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Wow you should be embarrassed , 'the people living in Palestine aren't muslim' 😂😂😂, you don't think Hamas is Muslim, holy crap.

A religion follows it's interpretation but the quaran is the poetry of a medevil warlord who advocated Islamic fascism and genocide, you can see many Muslim groups throughout the middle east (Iran, ISIS, Hamas) who take it seriously. It is very serious for the women executed in Iran for not wearing their scarves, for the gays executed in Palestine.

In Israel the Muslims live freely, Israel wants a peaceful and prosperous Palestinian state. Palestinians elect hamas, Hamas cancelled elections, Hamas does not want.peace and prosperity, they want to genocide Jews, they are who Israel is fighting, Israel are trying to avoid Palestinian civilians to get Hamas who is hiding behind civilians. Many of the civilians are horrible people who support Hamas but none the less Israel is not targeting them.

Yes pals.civilians are treated unfairly, every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship, there is no self determination anywhere in the Arab world, if the pals succeeded in genocising Jews they would still live under a tyrannical regime

[–] -1 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Anyone can look up the 1948 partition which Israel accepted and the arabs rejected. Anyone can lookup 'plan dalet' and see that it's developed in the midst of a war.

For hundreds of years there were laws against Jews in Palestine as well as every Muslim country.

Jews have been explicit that they are willing to live in peace with Muslims, and Muslims have been explicit that they are racist who will not tolerate any non Muslim presence.

Hamas is the one who came in and murdered random people because they don't submit to Islamic fascism as they do in my parts of the world. Israel is targeting Hamas who are hiding behind civilians. These are clear facts which anyone can see. The reason pals fight is rooted in their Islamic fascism that they don't get 100% of what they want which is an Islamic caliphate throughout the world. This is the message that is explicit in the quaran and how they are innoculated from childhood

[–] -3 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Israel agreed to the UN partition and the arabs went to war against them to destroy them. In 1967 they went to war again to destroy Israel. There is no such thing as land which is inherently Muslim, Muslims have countries from Morocco to Pakistan and their fascist ideology says that there can only be Muslim nations. They have rejected Israel and freedom for Jews 100%, Israel has the right to defend itself from fascists. The Nazis had the same ideology and the arabs fought with the Nazis in WW2.

What hamas did is war crimes, targeting civilians. What Israel does, targeting terrorists and having collateral damage because they are hiding behind civilians is not war crimes. In Russia Ukraine war civilians die but their are not war crimes, they do not target civilians. In WW2 many civilians died but it is collateral damage. It is different from the terrorist war crimes of Hamas there is no equivocation. This propaganda is part of how the terrorists fight, they lie they are relentless, so you expect people who do these things to not lie?

[–] -2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (19 children)

They don't have to tell them to evacuate, hamas attacked and started a war, there's a war, they're not tied to a post.

There is no conceivable way that there wouldn't be a war after what Hamas did.

And you can use the typical pal trope of what about what Israel did before... And the fact of the matter is if you want to trace this conflict to it's genesis its that pals follow a fascist Islamic ideology which is opposed to any Jewish state.of any form and no Jewish presence anywhere in the land. They are fascist. They have launched war and terrorists attacks , have been defeated and restrained and their only recourse is to hide behind children and play the victim, yell slogans to affect weak minded people.

The Jews have always been willing to live in peace, live with a Palestinian state, live with arabs in the state of Israel. The Muslims have openly opposed any peace with Jews. Jews are the natives of the land and the Muslims have said even if an area is completely abandoned, a swamp or a desert, that Jews cannot be there, they are ok with Muslims from any other part of the world being there, they are ok with no one there, but not Jews who are the natives of the land. They are fascist. Imagine caring about the 'character of the land' and seeking to exclude Jews... It is a mosque built on top of the Jewish temple, Islam is the occupier. You see the fascist Muslims fight like this against the Jews as well as many other people in many countries, you are reflexive and weak minded if you are sympathetic to them when they complain about losing the wars they start, hiding behind children for propagana

Are you a woman lady autumn? Do you have any idea what it's like to be a woman in a fascist islamic regime? That in Iran and Gaza they kill women who don't wear their head scarfs, will kill them if they talk to a man, what do you think their marriages are like? They are misogynistic and it's no wonder they have such an easy time recruiting terrorists

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