
joined 11 months ago
[–] 0 points 11 months ago (16 children)

There are druze , circassions, Muslim immigrants who came hundreds of years ago,.some came when the Jews came, there are many different groups but everyone knows that Jews are native to the land

[–] -4 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Yes more should be done to remedy gaza, and there are many terrible situations around the world where the give do terrible things. They let aid into Gaza but this is a war and there are hard choices in any war, you definitely want to avoid war.

And it is the pals who have perpetuated this endless war, if they accepted a Jewish state in any form they'd be living in peace and prosperity with no displacement. Jews are the natives people of the land and were refugees with nowhere to go during WW2. The Arabs sided with the Nazis in WW2.

Look up the 1948 partition, the size of the Jewish state which would not result in any pal displacement , most arbas living in aan Arab state and a small amount in a Jewish state.

They rejected that, they went to war against the premise of any Jewish sovereignty in the land to which they are unobjectively native. They have fought Israel in the most barbaric way only targeting civilians for decades while Israel makes measured responses. The pals priority is to fight Israel any way it can, use pals as human shields for propaganda, because they follow a fanatical , fascist , hateful religion which believes the entire world should submit to the rule of God transmitted through the quaran. That is what islam means, submission. They will fight to the death in every way. They are evil.

[–] -1 points 11 months ago

Hmmm, every single Muslim country has conflicts with their neighbors that has to be violently suppressed, with the Jews, with the Christians, with the Hindus... They fight amongst themselves with shia and sunni, every Muslim country is a violent totalitarian dictatorship which is completely corrupt with most people living in poverty, so where do you think the problem is? The religion based on poetry of a medieval warlord that people interpret as being from God ?

[–] -2 points 11 months ago (7 children)

So what you are gay or trans? Show me the worst thing a Christian fascist has done. In gaza you would be killed, it would be endorsed by the government, it is routine they they kill gays, you know that right ?

In Christianity there are a wide range of interpretations but the text of the bible does not say to violently impose Christianity on the world, that is one reason why there are much fewer christian fundamentalist. The text of the quaran does say to violently impose islam, that is why it's much more dangerous as that is what crazy fundamentalist read.

[–] -3 points 11 months ago (5 children)

I do view people as individuals and some people are individuals and some people just function as hordes. In some places that is greater proportion of people who are individuals as opposed to hordes than in other places.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago

I don't know what your question was but you keep bringing up murdering children but you are only outraged when Israel kills children. You are not outraged when the pals do it and the pals do it to a much greater degree. You are a crisis actor, if you really had this moral spine you would be even more outraged at how hamas and other pals target civilians, you would be saying how these groups have to removed from pal gov. But you are not concerned , you only being out this voice when Israel is trying to target Hamas, who id they are not stopped will continue terrorist attacks.

And the reason you have this selective outrage is because you don't think Israel has a right to exist. Either you are an Islamic fascist who believes the world should be violently conquered for islam or you are subject to trite propaganda. If you are not a Muslim I can show you simply that the pals are not nice people who just want peace, they are Islamic fascists and they will instigated conflict against any non Muslim nation at one point or another. Do you really think that Jews should be barred from Israel/Palestine? They are the natives. Do you actually believe that if the occupation ended there would be peace with the pals?

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