
joined 11 months ago
[–] -5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Your either slow or being obtuse.

The pals would like to go to Egypt, Egypt won't let them in, if pals tried to force their way in Egypt would kill them because they don't want them. How hard is that to understand ?

Do you have another explanation for why pals aren't going to Egypt? I remember a couple of weeks ago there was a lie that Israel bombed the rafah crossing but it was made up like everything else. So what's your answer ?

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Jews faces discrimination in every Arab country. When the ottomans controlled Palestine there were laws against Jewish immigration, and of course not Muslim immigration. Yes Islam has been fascist for many centuries. Jews were restricted from immigrating and then when they were able to they attacked and responded to various degrees. It's ridiculous to think that it's not Muslims who instigated the attacks... Do you think small numbers of Jews immigrated and immediately attacked Muslims ?

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (7 children)

Arabs are native to Saudi arabia, Islam is an Arab religion but not all Muslims are arabs. It's like the difference between being Italian and Catholic. Judaism is an ethno religion, they don't convert and they don't force people to convert as Muslims do.

Some pals may be defended from Jews but many groups traveled through the region over the years and there was never a cohesive Palestinian identity. Under Muslim rule there were laws against non Muslims immigrating. Under British rule Jews were allowed but so were Muslims and many Muslims immigrated at this time as Jews developed the land.

The arabs sided with the Nazis in the war and sought to restrict Jewish immigration. The British mandate of Palestine was all of current day Israel and Jordan. The Balfour declaration divided Palestine into Jordan and Israel, with Jews only allowed in Israel and Muslims allowed every where. Jordan was given to the 'heshemite ' family who is not native, the entire country was given as a kingdom to a single family not from the region..... in 1948 Palestine was further partitioned into areas where Jews were allowed and where they were not with a small Jewish state of mostly desert and swamp in Palestine, the Jews accepted and the arabs went to war. Before that point there was no Arab displacement or intention to but after the war many arabs were pushed out. Look up the 1948 partition. So at that point the Jews who were refugees from Europe were able to immigrate to Israel.

The arabs launched wars against the existence of Israel in 1955, 1968, 1973 , while Jordan controlled the west bank they never thought of making it a Palestinian state... When Israel controlled it they offered the pals states numerous times but from the beginning the pals refused because they will not recognize a Jewish state of any form as they have from the beginning, as it's part of their fascist religion

I don't see why there can't be a Jewish state, and furthermore why Jews can't live freely in the west bank, in Jordan, and even in Iraq , of Muslims can live freely in Israel why it the reverse ? Even under the occupation pals in the west bank have a better quality of life than most Arab countries and Gaza was way better off before Hamas. Israel has made rons of concessions to peace and that was their mistake, because they were naive leftists who believed that if they make steps towards peace the pals will reciprocate. What happened was they gave pals an inch , the pals used everything for terrorism, Israel clamped down and now the Islamic fascist regime uses thata as a pretext for terrorism.

[–] -2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

Christians are way better than Muslims, no matter what you show me the fact is in gaza you would be killed and children would dance around your dead body and the government would pay the people who killed you.

[–] -2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

They definitely made mistakes. For years hamas has been firing hundreds of rockets every day. You know that rocket that hit the hospital parking lot they blamed on Israel and killed so many people, they fire dozens of those at Israel everyday and the expectation is Israel shoots them down with iron dome. In what other country in the world do you have daily indiscriminate rocket attacks ? What would Americas response to daily rocket attacks be ?

Most Islamic countries are facist- they are dictatorships with non elections and no allowed opposition. Religious morality is enforced, women are killed for not wearing their scarfs and of course homosexuals are killed.

Unfortunately it's not a good situation no matter what

[–] -4 points 11 months ago

Yeah he won because before him you had leftist prime ministers who offered everything to the pals, have them more autonomy and it only resulted in more terrorism. The pals will fight to the death no matter what, they say so explicitly, they don't want freedom or prosperity they are Islamic fascist and want to destroy Israel , that's it. If they wanted peace and prosperity they've already had every opportunity

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Jews are the natives of the land. So if you could imagine the British not allowing celts in England. Or white people not allowing native Americans in the US.

[–] -4 points 11 months ago (5 children)

Well I'm glad that you oppose Hamas, but you would not do well in any Arab country. However bad you believe Christians are in America if you were in any Muslim country they would literally kill you.

Gender transition has been legal in america for decades, the debates from Christians are if you can do it as a child, if you can do it for free... No one is trying to kill you at an organized level, there may be lone wolf terrorists like the Muslim who shot up the gay night club in Orlando but it's not like after that happened people were celebrating in the streets applauding what he did, how would you feel if after that gay night club shooting that people came out in the thousands to support him? No he was arrested and no one, not any christian endorsed it.

There are not Christians who say explicitly things like 'all people have to be Christians ' or 'we.should kill all gays', that is literally what they say in Muslim countries, that.all gays should be killed, that.all Jews should be killed, that all places.shouldnl follow Muslim law. There fighting is not the result of a brutal occupation, it is their ideaology and they are occupied and oppressed because of it, because of they weren't suppressed they'd be murderous.

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