[-] DontTreadOnBigfoot@lemmy.world 1 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

Not necessarily.

The incorporation doctrine of the 14th amendment applies the Bill of Rights to the states as well as federal government.

...No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

[-] DontTreadOnBigfoot@lemmy.world 43 points 6 days ago

I mean, yeah - fuck Walmart in general.

But I'm confused. How is Verizon's misleading map Walmart's fault.

Garfield, when Otis fell.

[-] DontTreadOnBigfoot@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago

Well if that conspiracy of wind, fire, earth, and birds didn't want an argument, they wouldn't have brought him fully formed into being...

That pretty much sounds like what I have to do with my 6.

Maybe I got an exceptionally bad one.

Wait, worse than the 6? Because this one is pretty not great.

The back facing ones were the shit. Super fast and perfectly located.

Glad to hear it. The ones on my 6 (and the 4a before it) are just "meh"

Stay in school 🤙🏼

Man, do I miss those awesome front firing speakers on the pixel 2...

And as soon as one learns Simulacrum, it's all over


“Who would have declared such a war on us in Moscow?”

After six consecutive days of drone attacks on the Moscow region this week, one would think the shock of sudden late-night explosions might compel some Russians to consider what Ukrainian civilians have endured during 550 days of relentless Russian attacks.

Instead, some residents near the Russian capital have taken to social media to vent about the inconvenience of being woken up in the middle of the night, question why the “international community” isn’t coming to their rescue, and blame Ukrainian “terrorists” for targeting civilian areas. (Never mind that Moscow has repeatedly attacked residential areas in Ukraine with Iranian-made Shahed drones.)

No injuries have been reported in the recent string of attacks, and Russian officials claim to have shot down most of the drones that they say caused only “minor damage” to a building in Moscow City and several broken windows elsewhere. Kyiv has not confirmed or denied involvement in the drone strikes.

Russian media widely covered the attacks, airing interviews with residents who showed off their broken windows.

“It was scary to go up to the window,” said one man recounting his shock to wake up and find his window shattered. “This is the first time anything like this has happened to me.”

Separately, he told Deutsche Welle, “At first, there was panic. I thought the building had been hit by a shell.”

“It’s very scary. What if it hits the house next time?” another resident told DW, noting that she has a young child in the home. “Who would have declared such a war on us in Moscow?”


I'm on a non-root so I need MicroG for account login, correct?

I think I ended up with an incorrect version because I logged into one Google account with it, and now it's trying to get access permissions to all the accounts on my phone.

Does anyone have a link to the official MicroG APK for Revanced, or is there one?

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