Small screws/nails/ikea bits, seeds, extra pin-backs or pushpins when the shit container they come in inevitably breaks, weed, q-tips, sewing kits, some vets/humane societies, art AKA makin Injection Molded Robots
It's going to take a variety of methods to make positive change, these are some pretty good ones
Sweet, we're back :D
[] This Post about a site called seems relevant
fuck apple podcasts AND spotify, and all big tech bullshit. there are podcast apps that you can just add things to that don't feed the beast. for instance is FOSS, or pocket casts which has a small sub but remembers your place in things across devices including the webpage, or which I haven't used but was recommended, it does the same. You should also be able to use any RSS reader, unless the cast is exclusive somewhere or uses some kind of funky ATOM syndication. hope that helps
even the stars are ill at ease
doesn't seem like it needs to increase the electric usage by that much, you only need a RasberryPi or equivalent to run the server, and you control everything with your phone... the outlets and solenoids shouldn't need much power to do their thing. I saw earlier today how many options for EVs are available in South America (anywhere outside the US imperial core, actually) and it was a bit shocking. The conversion to EV business seems like a great idea - especially if they can standardize replacement parts that would be amazing.
Home assistant is great for home automation stuff like lights and cameras and AC and such but for controlling your water system you might want something less complex / more purpose-designed. There are many arduino-based projects for doing exactly what you're looking for - or are two i just looked up real quick. I'm sure it would be possible with assistant as well though if you just wanted to centralize.
Except that when companies can't make money they adapt by buying politicians to mandate use of their dirty product and outlawing alternatives. Voting with your wallet only goes so far, whereas taking out one CEO has managed to affect the behavior of an entire class. Imagine if they were hunted at the rate of american schoolkids.
i've never seen an ancap who doesn't want to be king of his own however-small kingdom, and most are straight up frustrated warlords. be very careful