
joined 1 year ago
[–] 80 points 1 month ago (3 children)

And having boring politics again! Remember the times when it wasn't terrifying to look at the news?

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Why y'all hating on NYC salsa? Must be a reference I don't get.

Also, fuck Musk.

[–] 30 points 2 months ago (9 children)
[–] 8 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I bet they are all on bsky

[–] 5 points 9 months ago
[–] 18 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Found ours in a parking lot, with her neck torn up to shreds, one of her toes broken, and a gash on one of her back legs. We also thought that she was well fed... she wasn't. She was very skinny and pregnant.

Took thousands of dollars in vet bills, and about 11 months to heal her back up to full + 5 years to figure out that she has an autoimmune disease that causes her skin to flare up and become very itchy and uncomfortable. She will be on meds for the rest of her life + always wear a neck protection band and a shirt to keep her from tearing herself up again. It is all worth it though, because she is the sweetest little fur ball in existence. Worth every penny, all effort.

[–] 38 points 9 months ago (1 children)

My husband and I chose not to have biological children and there are so many reasons for it. It's not even just one big one - it's multiple huge ones. Lack of support systems for parents and childcare, finances (we are ok for a couple, but there is no way we could comfortably afford even a single child), healthcare costs alone will break you, the future of this planet is not looking so hot (or rather, VERY hot actually), carbon footprint of another child on the planet is huge, and I refuse to bring in another soul to become a slave for our corporate overlords. And I am not even listing any personal reasons, which there also are - these are just things that are happening in the world overall... and the best the politicians can do is pikachu face that there is no population growth. Because, ya know, 8 BILLION of us is not enough.

[–] 22 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Cries in freedumb

[–] 86 points 10 months ago (7 children)

how do I delete someone else's post...

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

glow beans!

[–] -2 points 10 months ago (5 children)

You should have kept reading the article. "But Kirkpatrick’s comments, which come as he is about to retire after a 27-year defense and intelligence-focused career, are more intriguing because he also says that “none” of the hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed by his office recently “have been positively attributed to foreign activities.”"

[–] 7 points 10 months ago

NGL, kinda hoping for that myself


This week, the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is “evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.”

To be sure, the ramifications of either would be significant. But Kirkpatrick’s comments, which come as he is about to retire after a 27-year defense and intelligence-focused career, are more intriguing because he also says that “none” of the hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed by his office recently “have been positively attributed to foreign activities.”

At the same time, Kirkpatrick and senior defense officials have ruled out the possibility that secret U.S. programs or experimental aircraft explain the phenomena.


This week, the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is “evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.”

To be sure, the ramifications of either would be significant. But Kirkpatrick’s comments, which come as he is about to retire after a 27-year defense and intelligence-focused career, are more intriguing because he also says that “none” of the hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed by his office recently “have been positively attributed to foreign activities.”

At the same time, Kirkpatrick and senior defense officials have ruled out the possibility that secret U.S. programs or experimental aircraft explain the phenomena.


I've been following the conversation and science about the collapse, and it seems to me like there are more and more people in unrelated communities that seem to be accepting the fact that the way we currently live is unsustainable and will lead to an eventual collapse. I feel like even a couple of months ago, if anyone posted a comment here on Lemmy that mentioned collapse, they'd be laughed out of the room. Now, however, I am constantly seeing comments alluding to it. So what are your thoughts? Are more people starting to take it more seriously?


With all of the horrible stuff happening in the world, I wanted to share something positive. This is our first year with a CSA, and I could not be happier. When we first signed up, they required us to come visit their farm. Our farmers are just a couple and their kids. They grow the majority of their own food, and also feed the local community. The food we get is the tastiest, freshest produce we could ever find (other than growing stuff ourselves). I saw someone posted a fruit cup the other day, and it said something along the lines of being produced on one side of the planet, then shipped half way across the globe to be packaged, then back to be sold in US. Then I thought about our farmers. Our food travels 30 minutes to the farmers' market. That's it. How many emissions would that save if everyone did that? In case any of you are interested, and are in US, you can find your local CSA here:


Greetings, fellow adventurers! We, TTRPG Rising Tide (I, Domille, am the founder of Rising Tide), are thrilled to present our crowdfunding campaign aimed at championing creativity and providing opportunities for aspiring creators by offering captivating TTRPG resources.

As fans of the genre, we understand the profound impact that immersive and visually stunning game elements can have on the gaming experience. That’s why we have curated a collection of awe-inspiring battle maps, art packs, and soundtracks meticulously crafted to transport players to fantastical realms teeming with adventure.

Join us on a quest to raise funds for the Storytelling Collective scholarships that will ignite the imaginations of talented individuals yearning to make their mark in the realms of game design, storytelling, and worldbuilding. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the scholarships (we are not keeping anything for ourselves).

The project is already fully funded, and reached 3 stretch goals, with 4th on the cusp!

Check out the campaign here:


Greetings, fellow adventurers! We, TTRPG Rising Tide (I, Domille, am the founder of Rising Tide), are thrilled to present our crowdfunding campaign aimed at championing creativity and providing opportunities for aspiring creators by offering captivating TTRPG resources.

As fans of the genre, we understand the profound impact that immersive and visually stunning game elements can have on the gaming experience. That's why we have curated a collection of awe-inspiring battle maps, art packs, and soundtracks meticulously crafted to transport players to fantastical realms teeming with adventure.

Join us on a quest to raise funds for the Storytelling Collective scholarships that will ignite the imaginations of talented individuals yearning to make their mark in the realms of game design, storytelling, and worldbuilding. 100% of the funds raised will go toward the scholarships (we are not keeping anything for ourselves).

The project is already fully funded, and reached 3 stretch goals, with 4th on the cusp!


She wears shirts because she has an auto-immune disease that causes her to tear up her skin, so the shirt protects her. It also helps her with her anxiety. She's the sweetest little baby that is also a big goof.


This is a modular encounter that you can plug and play into any D&D game! Or just run it as a one-shot! We also decided to add adventure hook posters that you can put on top of a notice board image file! You can put as many posters on the notice board as you want - see sample above - the extra posters you see here are adventure hooks for other encounters we have available. You can download both the free PDF, the notice board files, and the map for this one here:


Asking because every time I tried to play a villain game, as in, the players are the villains, it devolved basically into a murder-hobo fiesta. And that might be ok, and is fun sometimes, but just not my cup of tea, especially for a long-haul campaign. Have any of you ever had a good experience with villain campaigns? How did it go?


DMs Guild, Pathfinder Infinite, and the future of a TTRPG creator in an unsteady landscape


Source: Wikipedia


I've never played Mork Borg, but it looks really interesting.

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