The article makes it clear that the Chinese botnet is targeting Microsoft azure accounts, usually for large organizations involved with governments, infrastructure, legal professionals, science and technology.
It also states that the attacks can be disinfected by regularly restarting your router, but that this doesn't prevent reinfection later.
The US intelligence services also says you should regularly restart your phone.
This is Microsoft's posting about it which other news sources are quoting from:
It has a recommendations section which suggests "credential hygiene" and strong passwords help.
Just referencing common jokes some nations have about other nations, the french all surrender, the Japanese are horny for school girls, the british have bad teeth, Americans are all loud... that sort of thing.
For Germans it's that you invented scat tables (glass tables) to watch your sex partner shit on you.
This is pre-internet lore, so probably formulated from German inclinations towards rationality and self-examination, sprinkled with some WW2 stuff, and some actual stuff about porn/bondage communities.
It's probably better left in the past, even if it's still a cultural reference that can be used.