- YES! That's an amazing permission I wish to see on normal OS but that's something they'll never do. I downloaded OpenCamera and it was super confusing. I have to go back to it
- Battery life is not a big problem but I was curious to know if was good/bad
- Yeah, something I hate! So many unnecessary permissions. Fuck google
- it's interesting. I'll make a "FUCK GOOGLE" profile if I'll ever need to use play services and I want to isolate some apps I can't avoid
I made a post here some time ago and replaced most of my apps but it's not enough! I want to replace phone and OS now and tale full control of my data (or do my best). I have protonmail as personal mail, and best or not, I like it. Sadly, I can't find a replacement for YouTube (site) because invidious instances don't have all the videos from channels I follow