Horrible. I don't necessarily advocate for transition as I'm personally neutral on the issue, but I will stand up for anyone seeking medical information or service, this is no longer the cave man times where men bricked each other with boulders when someone was hurt
Absolute class craft consumables only hahaha
If a thief makes a copy of your very money that you use then your work is worth them copying your money
Hey everyone deserves some sympathy
Kind of debatable depending on the floor price but not bad an idea either way, it's all about margins and looking to let yourself understand how much your product is really worth to the customer vs simple market cost
Pirates a movie, includes copyright warning on the pirated copy, include a note to say they're including it in good spirit of the producers wishes
Why people are mad at the USA
To be fair, in my mind most AI is kind of half baked potential terminator style nightmare fuel for the average person
I disagree with the last part. Society and it's many systems is pretty hard to collapse even if you managed to drug a huge portion of the population, gave them guns and fed them propaganda. Now imagine throwing heaps of people into jail like in Czech, still standing just more useless. Just look at portions of the middle east. The majority of people just get good at being lazy and defer accountability to the most violent assholes who then become dictators, the rest of society then selectively breeds the "dictators".
If this sounds dystopic consider that what you said lead to what this comment is, which is dumb. Now which is dumber?
Look truth be told, it's understandable that many people may not like transition or certain transgender individuals, but that is no reason to deny services to them as a blanket policy