[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 20 points 1 day ago

Now arrest him and see if he's at fault. Was he drunk, done this multiple times, or should have been fired before. You know, the normal investigating stuff we should do with every case like this.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 12 points 1 day ago

Shit they wouldn't put you in supermax, there wouldn't be a trial. You just disappear. Shit, Snowden went to Russia. All he wants in a public trial.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Polish = guarantee ?

Let's think about this for a sec, Ted, why do they put a guarantee on a box? Hmm, very interesting.

I'm listening.

Here's how I see it. A guy puts a guarantee on the box 'cause he wants you to fell all warm and toasty inside.

Yeah, makes a man feel good.

'Course it does. Ya think if you leave that box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter.

What's your point?

The point is, how do you know the Guarantee Fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy, but we're not buying it. Next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up, I seen it a hundred times.

But why do they put a guarantee on the box then?

Because they know all they solda ya was a guaranteed piece of sh*t. That's all it is. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for right now, for your sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality item from me.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 1 day ago

When has waving a flag happened sober?

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"But the republicans freed the slaves." The brain roth kills me. Seeing people praise this man with his history also turned me against religious groups. Same thought process and beliefs.

The blinders need to be pulled off that belief that system as well. Read the scripts of most religion and there is a handful groups that are targeted. Women are one of the most impacted groups.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 5 points 2 days ago

I definitely agree but it still hurts, a lot.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 45 points 2 days ago

He sexual assaulted a women (raped). Will saying the n-word make him less liked?

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 12 points 2 days ago

Ah fuck it, was going to be cryptic but ill just tell the story.

I worked for Duke university and one of the people in our department had stomach cancer. The head of the department, provost, CEO and president sent out emails asking if anyone would donate their leave for the person in their hospital being treated for cancer. If the person didn't get the days then they were going to drop them from the company insurance It was bad so the person had to stay in the hospital.

I hope they all get the most the worse form of cancer and slowly die with no family around. If there is a hell, they deserve it.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 2 days ago

He'll get fined, probably a big one. They will determine that he is immune from all legal limits as a president. Hopefully I'm wrong.

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 3 days ago

A respectful court would agree. Let's remember one judge hung two different flags supporting insurrection. Another judge has a wife that tried to personally have people over turn the 2020 election results. Bonus judge: Cannon blocking a case for classified documents being stolen.

I have high hopes the courts will do nothing./s

[-] Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de 7 points 3 days ago

She's already changing the flags.


Don't worry everyone, it was an accident. We're sorry.


Not surprised unfortunately, anyone guessing not right-winger?


As a veteran, it is frustrating to deal with the government to prove exposure to toxins.

The PACT Act was meant to streamline all of this but the burden still falls on the veteran. How many have been exposed knowingly but due to the military not acknowledging it, can not get the required compensation for the problems?

Well, happy Veterans Day.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Bluefalcon@discuss.tchncs.de to c/news@lemmy.world

I recently decided to go back to school and get a job in the tech industry. I'm looking at cyber security but I'm not looked into that decision.

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