[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the neurotoxin dispensers.


TAS 1x05, immediately thought of those celebrity name rhymes they did in Community.

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Stop, a man can only get so erect!

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago

🎶I'm gonna eat you, little ~~fishy~~mothy!🎵

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I think you might enjoy this skit: https://youtu.be/0uuCNAwXGaQ

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 15 points 1 week ago

When I was a lad I had two dozen health, in encounters to help me tank hiiiits!

But now that I'm grown, I have twelve dozen health, so I pretty much don't give a shiiiit!

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Neither of them compare to The Neptunes. They had a fucking shark on the drums.

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 57 points 2 weeks ago

I remember a lot more of those stick-on glow in the dark plastic stars, if nothing else.

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 69 points 2 weeks ago

Remember folks, you can't spell Mark Hamill without Arkham.

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

I'll always recommend Exiles. It's what happens when X-Men and Sliders have a baby. A ragtag group of B-to-C tier mutants solve problems and wreak havoc across the multiverse.

And fuck I love Morph!

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 38 points 3 weeks ago

This is utter hogshit, but also seems relatively easy to work around. "I am legally forbidden from sharing my opinions on the quality of Marvel Rivals." is a pretty clear and succinct review that technically flies under their legal fuckery.

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 103 points 3 weeks ago

Not about to be swindled, the monk the pulls a gun from within his robe. "What's that?!" the startled vendor asks. "Ah," replies the monk, "this is my inner piece."

[-] Apeman42@lemmy.world 47 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Oh no! People are being mean to the human equivalent of an unwiped asshole covered in weeping pus sores?

submitted 2 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

I used to play the hell out of 1 and 2 back in the PS2 days, but I haven't touched the series beyond that, and haven't even played 1/2 much in the last 10 years.

How would you rate 4 in comparison? I noticed it was on sale in the Switch eShop, and I'd love to have one of the series to play on the go.

What I loved about the ones I played:

  • Story had a good balance of comedy and heart
  • Flexible and fun character building, with decent enough defined classes to get you started
  • Tons of post-game/side content (I didn't like every piece of it, but I liked how much there was to try.)
  • Perfect geochains, though I was usually too smoothbrain for it.

What I didn't like:

  • Item world, IIRC worse in 1 than 2?
  • Adell's siblings
  • Demon court thing?
submitted 5 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/9692419

Side note, is there anything like Interdimensional Cable on Lemmy yet?

submitted 5 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/Musicals@kbin.social

For those unfamiliar with the term "diegetic music", it refers to music that's actually played in the story rather than just for the benefit of the audience. The characters can hear it too.

With that in mind, are there any musicals where the characters acknowledge that they're constantly breaking into song? Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Once More with Feeling" is the best example I can think of for this.


Paladin Claus is coming to town...

submitted 7 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/risa@startrek.website
submitted 7 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/risa@startrek.website
submitted 7 months ago by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/risa@startrek.website

Or the rap artist "Jay-Zed"?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Apeman42@lemmy.world to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world

Which sounds rad as fuck. Like how you'd open a speech for the Guild of Calamitous Intent.

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