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South Korea’s military recently removed about 1,300 Chinese-made surveillance cameras installed at bases, concerned about potential security risks, Yonhap news agency reported on Friday, September 13, citing an unnamed military official.

The cameras were designed to be connected to a specific server in China, but no actual data was leaked, Yonhap said.

They had been supplied by a South Korean company, with their Chinese origin determined during equipment inspections earlier this year, the report cited the official as saying.

The cameras were not used for guard operations such as along the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas, but for monitoring training groups and perimeter fences at bases, the report said.

South Korea’s defense ministry said on Friday it is in the process of collecting the foreign-made cameras and replacing them with others. The ministry declined to confirm where the cameras were made.

Last year, Australia’s foreign minister said its defense and foreign ministries were removing surveillance cameras made by Chinese-run firms from their facilities after reports that the technology posed a security risk.

  • Russia started producing new long-range attack drone last year, intelligence sources say
  • More than 2,500 Garpiya drones were produced in the year to July, intelligence shows
  • New Russian-made drone has Chinese engines and parts, documents indicate
  • Garpiya would reduce Russian reliance on Iranian drones, expert says

Russia started producing a new long-range attack drone called the Garpiya-A1 last year using Chinese engines and parts, which it has deployed in the war in Ukraine, according to two sources from a European intelligence agency.

The intelligence – which included a production contract for the new drone, company correspondence on the manufacturing process and financial documents - indicated that IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of Russian state-owned weapons maker Almaz-Antey, produced more than 2,500 Garpiyas from July 2023 to July 2024.

The existence of the new Russian drone incorporating Chinese technology has not been previously reported. IEMZ Kupol and Almaz-Antey did not respond to requests for comment.

The two intelligence sources said that the Garpiya, which means Harpy in Russian, has been deployed against military and civilian targets in Ukraine, causing damage to critical infrastructure as well as both civilian and military casualties.


Die Fregatte "Baden-Württemberg" und das Versorgungsschiff "Frankfurt am Main" durchqueren bei ihrer Fahrt von Südkorea zu den Philippinen auch durch die umstrittene Taiwanstraße. Das bestätigte [der deutsche] Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius.


Erst vor wenigen Tagen hatte der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr angesichts einer möglichen Durchquerung der Taiwanstraße gesagt, dass diese aus seiner Sicht keine Provokation Chinas darstelle. "Ich glaube nicht, dass wir die Provokation Chinas riskieren, sondern eher umgekehrt; dass mit der Wahrnehmung und den Punkten, die China hier mit hineinbringt, genau dieses internationale Recht infrage gestellt wird", sagte Deutschlands ranghöchster Soldat, Carsten Breuer, bei einem Besuch in Seoul.

Das chinesische Außenministerium hatte dagegen vor einer möglichen Fahrt durch die Taiwanstraße gewarnt. China lehne Provokationen und Drohungen betreffender Staaten gegen die Souveränität und Sicherheit Chinas unter dem Deckmantel der Schifffahrtsfreiheit ab, sagte Außenamtssprecherin Mao Ning in Peking. Wen sie mit "betreffende Staaten" meinte, sagte sie nicht.

Taiwan sei ein untrennbarer Teil Chinas und die Gewässer in der Taiwanstraße seien chinesische Gewässer, sagte Mao. Peking respektiere das Recht auf Schifffahrt, das alle Länder in den betreffenden Gewässern in Übereinstimmung mit dem chinesischen Recht und dem Völkerrecht in Anspruch nehmen können.


Diese E-Mail war nie für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt. Im März 2023, kurz bevor die Wirtschaftshochschule ESMT eine Kooperation mit dem ungarischen Mathias Corvinius Collegium (MCC) einging, fragte die Berliner Privat-Uni das Auswärtige Amt an, wie das MCC einzuschätzen sei. Schließlich ist es eng mit dem ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten und umstrittenen Rechtspopulisten Viktor Orbán verbunden.

Das MCC sei eine „Kaderschmiede der Regierungspartei Fidesz“, gab die deutsche Botschafterin in Ungarn, Julia Gross, zur Antwort. Fidesz ist die rechts-konservative Partei von Orbán, dessen Regierung immer wieder Grundwerte der Europäischen Union verletzt. Das MCC sei inhaltlich voll „auf Regierungs- bzw. Fidesz-Linie“.

Die Botschafterin stellte in dem Schreiben, das CORRECTIV exklusiv vorliegt, unmissverständlich fest: „Das MCC ist eine Propaganda-Schule.“

Die Berliner Elite-Hochschule EMST pflegt dennoch bis heute auf mehreren Ebenen enge Verbindungen mit dem umstrittenen Institut und profitiert finanziell.

Das ungarische MCC-Institut lädt Klimaskeptiker ein, die Pläne für mögliche Amtszeit von Trump entwerfen


Unter anderem lud das ungarische Institut einen Klimaskeptiker der Heritage Foundation ein. Die amerikanische Stiftung hatte kürzlich eine umstrittene Agenda für eine mögliche Amtszeit von Donald Trump entworfen.

Seit einem Jahr studieren ungarische Stipendiaten im Rahmen eines Kooperations-Programms an der ESMT. Das ungarische MCC übernimmt ihre Studiengebühren. Außerdem finanziert das Orbán-nahe Institut einen der elf Lehrstühle an der Berliner Privat-Hochschule in Form einer Stiftungsprofessur. Die Verbindungen sind sogar so eng, dass das MCC einen Platz im Internationalen Beirat der Berliner Hochschule erhielt – für Zoltán Szalai, den Generaldirektor des MCC.


Die ESMT verteidigt die Bildungs-Kooperation. Man wolle „europäische, freiheitliche und demokratische Werte“ stärken [...] Dabei schlage man bewusst Brücken hin zu Ländern, „die sich von unserem vielfach unterscheiden.“ Die genaue Summe, die vom MCC nach Berlin fließt, will die Hochschule nicht publik machen und ließ Fragen dazu unbeantwortet. Die Studierenden würden aber unabhängig davon, wie ihr Studium an der ESMT finanziert wird, „mit unseren Werten vertraut“ gemacht, die Lehre bliebe in jedem Fall unabhängig.

Insider bezeichnen die MCC-Seminare als „fortgeschrittene Indoktrination“

Bei den Veranstaltungen würden vor allem rechts-konservative Meinungen etwa zu Migration oder Gender-Themen vertreten. Auch bekannte Skeptiker des menschengemachten Klimawandels gehören zu seinen Gästen. Auf seiner Webseite beschreibt das MCC seine Werte als patriotisch und brüstet sich damit, der größte außerschulische Bildungsanbieter in Ungarn und Anrainer-Regionen zu sein.

An der Berliner ESMT-Privatuni finanziert das MCC auch die Professur des ungarischen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers Zoltán Antal-Mokos. Antal-Mokos hat laut seiner Webseite seit 2013 keine wissenschaftliche Arbeit mehr veröffentlicht und seit 2004 keinen Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden mehr betreut. Zu seinen Interessen zählt er seiner eigenen Auskunft nach „Bildung, Gas und Öl“.


Das Institut finanziert sich auch durch einen zehnprozentigen Anteil am ungarischen Öl-Konzern MOL. Die Importe von russischem Öl nach Ungarn nahmen nach Beginn des russischen Angriffskrieges auf die Ukraine sogar noch zu.

Die deutsche Botschafterin schreibt in ihrer Einschätzung, die CORRECTIV vorliegt, es gelänge dem MCC, deutsche Redner „aus dem konservativen bis sehr konservativen Spektrum“ zu gewinnen. Es betreibe im Sinne der Regierungslinie Orbáns „aktive und effiziente Propaganda“.

MCC fordert Ende der Brandmauer zur AfD

Zu den jüngsten AfD-Erfolgen hat das Brüsseler Büro des MCC einen klaren Vorschlag: Nach den Wahlerfolgen der Partei in Thüringen und Sachsen warnt es auf X (ehemals Twitter) davor, AfD-Wähler mit Nazis zu vergleichen und plädiert zugleich dafür, die AfD in eine Regierung einzubinden: Halte man die „Brandmauer“ zur AfD weiter aufrecht, „blieben die Probleme, die den Aufstieg der AfD überhaupt erst ermöglicht haben, ungelöst“. Die Wahl habe die Sorge vor Zuwanderung und „grüner Politik“ gezeigt und sei das Ende der „Quarantäne für Debatten über Migration und nationale Identitäten.“ Das sei eine „gute Sache“.


[Das deutsche Aussen-]Ministerium [...] schreibt: „Das Auswärtige Amt unterstützt das MCC nicht.“


cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/2806976

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine there have been regular reports of Russians reporting neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances to the police over alleged anti-war statements.

Denunciations have led to arrests, prosecutions and, in some cases, long prison sentences.

But why has snitching become commonplace? And what are the implications for Russian society?


Free speech in Russia was already under attack, but days after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Vladimir Putin took it to a whole new level.

A few days after ordering Russian troops into Ukraine for what he called a “special military operation”, President Putin signed into law repressive legislation designed to silence or punish criticism.

Russians could now be prosecuted for “discrediting the use of the Russian armed forces” and receive long prison sentences for spreading “knowingly false information” about the army.


The authorities also signalled a hunt for internal enemies. President Putin declared:

“…any nation, and even more so the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and will simply spit them out like an insect in their mouth, spit them onto the pavement. I am convinced that a natural and necessary self-detoxification of society like this will strengthen our country, our solidarity and cohesion…”

In this atmosphere of “us” against “them”, reports started coming in of Russians snitching on Russians for opposing the war in Ukraine - of students informing on teachers, professors on students, work colleagues on each other.


This has revived memories of the Soviet past when denunciation was actively encouraged by the authorities. Under dictator Joseph Stalin, the prison camps, or Gulag, were full of victims who had been snitched on by their fellow citizens.


cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/2806863

The US and EU issued a joint statement on Wednesday supporting Taiwan’s international participation, notably omitting the “one China” policy in a departure from previous similar statements, following high-level talks on China and the Indo-Pacific region.

The statement also urged China to show restraint in the Taiwan Strait.

Since the Indo-Pacific consultations were launched in 2021, references to the “one China” policy have appeared in every statement apart from the one issued on Wednesday and another in April 2022.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and European External Action Service Secretary-General Stefano Sannino cochaired the seventh US-EU Dialogue on China and the sixth US-EU Indo-Pacific Consultations from Monday to Tuesday.


Archived link

Next week a New Zealand woman will sit before a committee at The Hague and try to convince them to help her brother, locked up in a Chinese prison for the past seven years. Rizwangul NurMuhammad talks to Paula Penfold about her fight, her guilt — and her hope.

Rizawangul (Riz) NurMuhammad returns to the theme of guilt at least half a dozen times during our hour-long conversation.

She’s a New Zealand citizen granted asylum in 2011. She’s Uyghur, a member of the Muslim minority in China’s northwestern Xinjiang province.

And she feels guilty because she’s watched cases internationally where imprisoned Uyghurs have been freed, and she feels she’s failed her brother Mewlan.


Mewlan was a fibre network engineer for China Telecom in Bole City. One lunch break in January 2017, he was taken by plain clothes police. “They didn’t provide an explanation for why they were arresting him. He was taken for questioning and then we expected he would be freed soon because he has done nothing wrong.”


China’s Embassy in Wellington told Stuff he was sentenced in August 2017 to nine years in prison for “separatist activities”. It did not specify what those activities were.


cross-posted from: https://feddit.org/post/2806863

The US and EU issued a joint statement on Wednesday supporting Taiwan’s international participation, notably omitting the “one China” policy in a departure from previous similar statements, following high-level talks on China and the Indo-Pacific region.

The statement also urged China to show restraint in the Taiwan Strait.

Since the Indo-Pacific consultations were launched in 2021, references to the “one China” policy have appeared in every statement apart from the one issued on Wednesday and another in April 2022.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and European External Action Service Secretary-General Stefano Sannino cochaired the seventh US-EU Dialogue on China and the sixth US-EU Indo-Pacific Consultations from Monday to Tuesday.



Wenn Applaus von Identitären und Ultranationalisten kommt, sollte klar sein: Deutschland ist gefährlich weit rechts abgebogen. Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán gratulierte auf der Plattform X der deutschen Regierung zu ihrem Kurswechsel: „@Bundeskanzler Scholz, welcome to the club! #StopMigration“. Und der Rechtsextreme Martin Sellner begrüßte auf Facebook das „Einlenken der Eliten in Richtung law&order“.

Grenzkontrollen, „irreguläre“ Einwanderung auf null bringen und alle abschieben, die keine Aufenthaltserlaubnis haben: Das sind nach dem Solingen-Attentat keine Forderungen mehr, die AfD-Politiker und andere Rechtspopulisten stellen. Es sind Ziele, die die Ampelregierung dieser Tage anstrebt. Innenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) hat die EU-Kommission informiert, ab 16. September würden alle deutschen Landesgrenzen kontrolliert. Gerade diskutiert der Bundestag wieder ein „Sicherheitspaket“, das in Wahrheit nur um Abschiebungen kreist.


Das Problem ist nur: An Wohnungen, Kitaplätzen und Gewaltprävention wird es auch bei geschlossenen Grenzen weiter mangeln. Solange die Schuldenbremse nicht für Investitionen in Bildung und Infrastruktur gelockert wird, verfallen Schulhäuser, Brücken und Bahnschienen weiter. Damit erreicht die Regierung genau, was sie verhindern will: Laut einer Studie zu Austeritätspolitik, basierend auf Daten von 1980 bis 2015 aus acht Ländern, korrelieren Kürzungen öffentlicher Ausgaben mit wachsender Zustimmung zu extremen Parteien.


Es hat sich etwas grundlegend verschoben, in der Art, wie über Migration gesprochen wird. Der Diskurs ist weit entfernt von den Fakten. Eine Auswertung des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung widerspricht etwa dem rechten Mythos des „Sozialtourismus“: Von denen, die 2015 als Geflüchtete herkamen, waren 2022 64 Prozent erwerbstätig. Auch der von Populisten geweckte Eindruck, es kämen seit der Merkel-Ära konstant mehr „Wirtschaftsmigranten“, ist nicht von Zahlen gedeckt: So sank die Zuwanderung nach 2015 fast um die Hälfte (auf 2,1 Millionen 2020), um erst mit Russlands Angriff auf die Ukraine wieder stark anzusteigen.


Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine there have been regular reports of Russians reporting neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances to the police over alleged anti-war statements.

Denunciations have led to arrests, prosecutions and, in some cases, long prison sentences.

But why has snitching become commonplace? And what are the implications for Russian society?


Free speech in Russia was already under attack, but days after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Vladimir Putin took it to a whole new level.

A few days after ordering Russian troops into Ukraine for what he called a “special military operation”, President Putin signed into law repressive legislation designed to silence or punish criticism.

Russians could now be prosecuted for “discrediting the use of the Russian armed forces” and receive long prison sentences for spreading “knowingly false information” about the army.


The authorities also signalled a hunt for internal enemies. President Putin declared:

“…any nation, and even more so the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and will simply spit them out like an insect in their mouth, spit them onto the pavement. I am convinced that a natural and necessary self-detoxification of society like this will strengthen our country, our solidarity and cohesion…”

In this atmosphere of “us” against “them”, reports started coming in of Russians snitching on Russians for opposing the war in Ukraine - of students informing on teachers, professors on students, work colleagues on each other.


This has revived memories of the Soviet past when denunciation was actively encouraged by the authorities. Under dictator Joseph Stalin, the prison camps, or Gulag, were full of victims who had been snitched on by their fellow citizens.


The US and EU issued a joint statement on Wednesday supporting Taiwan’s international participation, notably omitting the “one China” policy in a departure from previous similar statements, following high-level talks on China and the Indo-Pacific region.

The statement also urged China to show restraint in the Taiwan Strait.

Since the Indo-Pacific consultations were launched in 2021, references to the “one China” policy have appeared in every statement apart from the one issued on Wednesday and another in April 2022.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and European External Action Service Secretary-General Stefano Sannino cochaired the seventh US-EU Dialogue on China and the sixth US-EU Indo-Pacific Consultations from Monday to Tuesday.


Archived link

Several big battery projects in Australia vital for storing renewable energy to meet the nation’s climate goals are highly likely to be using materials sourced through the forced labour of Uyghur and other Turkic ethnic groups in China, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) research has found.

ASPI has examined the supply chains for big battery projects across various Australian states and found that, even when the batteries are sourced from US-based companies, critical components are still obtained from Chinese suppliers. These suppliers carry well-documented risks of involvement in human rights abuses.

Australia needs big batteries because its renewable energy plans require storage for intermittent sources such as wind, solar and hydro. That’s why state and territory governments are pouring billions of dollars into battery energy storage systems (BESS), also known as big batteries.

However, most of the global battery supply is controlled by companies based in the People’s Republic of China and is dependent on raw materials mined and processed in Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region (XUAR). Two of the largest companies that supply batteries and lithium cells for batteries—Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL) and EVE—are used in Australian projects in spite of having been reported to be implicated in grave human rights violations, notably forced labour of Uyghur and other Turkic ethnic groups in the manufacturing and processing of raw materials. In a damning 2022 report, the United Nations stated that such violations might constitute crimes against humanity.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 7 points 1 week ago

Does China have a tech company which does NOT develop spyware?

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 8 points 1 week ago

I am not an expert for this, but it seems so:

Closer defence cooperation between New Zealand and Japan (2023)

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 16 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Shared regional threats.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 13 points 1 week ago

Das passt irgendwie dazu.

Olaf Scholz ist über AfD-Erfolg in Sachsen und Thüringen "bedrückt"


Drei Tage nach den Landtagswahlen mit desaströsem Abschneiden der SPD spricht der Bundeskanzler mit Bürgern. Die zunehmende Unterstützung für Populismus mache ihm Sorgen.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)


Whataboutism? Apart from the fact that it has nothing to do with the linked article, there has been a lot of, say, 'not too positive' reports about Trump's social network.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 0 points 1 week ago


How are the so-called 'laws' written in China?

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 1 points 1 week ago

Some of them are children

Thanks for this comment. I really didn't think of this.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I guess if you are surrounded only by yes-sayers for too long, something like that may happen.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 4 points 1 week ago


Zhang Zhan is a role model for a person who is standing up. As some others have already written in their comments, it's a similar situation in China as it is in Russia, Iran, North Korea (or Nazi-Germany 90 years ago, if you seek an example in history).

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 5 points 1 week ago

Those Chinese who threaten their peers should be legally prosecuted and then sent back to China. If they don't value freedom of expression and human rights, they have nothing to do here in Europe. This is unacceptable.

[–] 0x815@feddit.org 2 points 1 week ago

Seems to be aligned with the EU's new policy to abandon Open Source Software.

Other news comes from a user on Wikimedia:

Couldn't Wikimedia take the lead when it comes to social media decentralization

I just noticed that the Wikimedia Foundation profile on Mastodon is very inactive compared to X profile. Taking into account a recent example, where more than 20 million users had to flee from X due to its criminal practices, wouldn't it make sense and be used as an opportunity to reach the audience that is migrating to the Fediverse?

The Wikimedia Foundation seems to be aligned with some core ideas related to decentralization (e.g. chapters and user groups), not to mention its long-standing voice in the open source world and against disinformation, which seems to be an important goal o X and its owner?

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