Pic to show the outlet.
Functional 3D Printing
Welcome fellow prototypers! This communities' purpose is to help others and share functional 3D Printing related information. While other 3D Printing Communities are a good resource, sometimes too many help posts get buried under memes and fluff. This will remain technically focused and keep the fluff removed. Please help your fellow 3D Printer hobbyists as much as you can with their issues! and showcase your functional prints and how you use or created them.
+1 - I'd like to see the unadorned splitter, so I can better visualise the problem.
As you can see, besides the friction of the metal prongs/contacts that gets plugged into the sockets, nothing is holding it in place. So if I try and unplug something, it'll pull the whole thing out.
I think I understand the problem, but I'm not a yank, so I don't know the type of splitter you're using/talking about. Just wanted to see it without, to better appreciate the design.