I don't think improved performance has ever lead to shorter workdays. So, I'd say it's in favor of employees to keep AI use secret. Shorter workdays comes from legislation, which I guess is created after some kind of protest.
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It has led to me wasting less time thinking about things, that's for sure. I can slack off a whole lot more these days thanks to GPT. I support all of us being a bit more lazy. I frequently tell our junior devs to chill out or they risk burning out, and if something like GPT, CodeWhisper, or Autopilot can reduce the mental load, I'm all for it. We still need experts or the output is garbage, but simplifying the process is just fantastic.
Efficiency benefits never get passed to the worker. When effeciency improves the worker is eliminated to keep workload "optimum" (from the company's perspective) and reduce costs.
Automate what you can of your job and never, ever share those productivity hacks with your boss.
Oh I would absolutely never tell my boss how many of the docs I've written the last few months were primarily authored by GPT. I am blatantly clear that I'm (and MANY others) are using AI for writing code, but taking my specific knowledge and asking for blurbs about X for the docs is just hands down amazing.