They came to Minneapolis a few months ago and I didn’t take my friend’s advice to go see them. I regret it everyday
I flew from Dallas Texas to see them in a tiny bar in St. Paul in 2022. It was amazing.
Dude! I was there too! That show was nuts! Everyone crowd surfing. Someone gave Sebastian a J.
Just talked to the wife, we’re grabbing tickets! Thanks for the tip!
Dude, you missed out. They're so good live. My wife and i saw them at the Amsterdam in St. Paul last year and it was one of the craziest shows ive ever been too.
Hahaha I feel like there’s a story here
People were crowd surfing the whole time. Someone handed Sebastian a joint. It also was a crazy mix of people. Like there were a ton of older people there, younger goth kids, two dude who obsessed with Ween (whats up kooter). It was just a crazy experience.
That sounds awesome! I’m super pumped to go in September
I met your mom down at the Shrimp Shack
Please check out Sports by the same band. Really captures my feelings when people start talking about sportsball Sports
Seconding that you need to see them live if it's at all possible. Saw them twice in 4 months and they were both phenomenal concerts
Great tune and video! I can't stop watching them play 'Research Chemicals' at Glastonbury this year. Recommended. Such a great band!