This episode in a nutshell, for me: those poke a jaguar with a short stick and those who are wiser than that. Laurel/Sairitsu is handling Makoto in a cunning and smarter way, while the Hopleys family... eh.
...but then the jaguar turns upside down for belly rubs. Goddammit Makoto, you almost spilled the beans about being from another world with the kudzu vs. medicine reading of "kuzu"!
False compared the situation of Japanese in Laurel with Latin. False is extra messy to explain stuff, and this info is second-hand for them, but I think that I got it:
- Japanese as used by Makoto would be like Vulgar Latin. It's simply a language spoken by a population.
- Japanese as used in Laurel would be like Mediaeval + Modern Latin, after the Romance split. It's a prestigious variety, partially derived from the above, without native speakers.