When I lived in the US (Austin,TX) for a year back in 1991-92 I loved going to the malls. Highland Mall, Barton Creek Mall and all the others in the area and neighboring cities. Also all the times I have been back road-trip’ing the US malls has been a great evening entertainment. Just the idea that all those malls I have visited across the US is slowly disappearing is strange to me. For me it’s a part of the American lifestyle and that people stopped going to them is hard to see. But also in the country I live the malls are getting fewer and fewer customers but not in the way it leads to a dead mall trend yet.
Dead Malls
Anything related to dead malls that are either abandoned, still in operation, on their last leg, etc. without renovation.
This community follows Lemmy/Mastodon World's rules. In addition to those rules:
- You must give credit (such as a direct link, social media handle, etc.) to any media you post if they are not your own.
- Stay on topic about dead malls.
- Don't post anything that encourages or features vandalism or theft.
- Don't harass or discriminate others
- Don't attack another member of this community, even if they deserve it.
I've seen lots of forlorn shopping centers in small towns, often looking stuck in time. Plus now so many of the stores I frequented as a kid on shopping trips with my mom (especially JCPenney, also Sears) are closing. I can't think of a specific mall where I got my start, I've always had an interest in buildings past their heyday.
When I lived in the US (Austin,TX) for a year back in 1991-92 I loved going to the malls. Highland Mall, Barton Creek Mall and all the others in the area and neighboring cities. Also all the times I have been back road-trip’ing the US malls has been a great evening entertainment. Just the idea that all those malls I have visited across the US is slowly disappearing is strange to me. For me it’s a part of the American lifestyle and that people stopped going to them is hard to see. But also in the country I live the malls are getting fewer and fewer customers but not in the way it leads to a dead mall trend yet.