Usually just in a bubble mailer and I also write "Film: Do not X-ray" on the package.
Film Photography
Please remember to tag your posts with the camera, film, and lens used.
Late reply better than never!
No special consideration needed really. I usually toss my 35mm film back in the containers it came in, and those go in a bubble mailer. Your lab will have additional instructions as to what what to include.
Any less than ideal conditions your film will encounter are generally pretty short and won't mess up your film. Don't store film in a hot place, but taking your camera on a beach day doesn't ruin it in one go.
I use Canadian Film Lab for my colour stuff. They do good work, but at a premium though. They're local ish to be so I suggest finding somewhere local that works for you to support.
Try not to be intimidated by the process. It's supposed to be fun, and even though mistakes happen and disappointments are inevitable, learn from them and get that next roll going!