I'm not too experienced with horror campaigns, and it is a big genre. Body horror is kind of different from existential horror.
When it comes to alignment I think it would be good to first look at what it is. Is it something personal (I have a code I follow therefore I am lawful)? Something societal (to be lawful is to follow the law set by the law-makers)? Or something cosmic (to be lawful is to be attuned to law/order)? The plane of Order is an example of cosmic alignment. One does not excludes another.
I also think it could be useful at the end of each session/adventure/whatever that the group summarises how they feel their characters have moved on the alignment grid. Subdivide it to get more granularity such as 10 steps of law, 10 of neutrality and 10 of chaos. Have them answer questions such as
Has your character upheld law? Move one step to law. Upheld law in a significant way? Move two to law.
If you then track the characters' progress on the grid it could be a neat thing to look back at at the end of the campaign.