Public Blue Screens Of Death
Public Blue Screens Of Death
Public displays and digital infrastructure software failing to do their job because of blue screens, crashes or other problems
Besides causing people to lose work, this shit pops up in the middle of lectures, meetings, and graduate thesis defences interrupting and distracting both the speaker and the audience. One time it actually fucking restarted the speaker's laptop in the middle of his talk with no option to delay that. If only it were back in 2, okay 5 minutes. Nope. Half an hour later 30 or so people are still waiting for the mofo reboot after reboot to be fucking done. Ah finally. Now you have, yes you fucking have to step through the shit we updated, Edge introducing doing everything it's not supposed to, while you are duck hunting for an skip option because neither you nor your audience gives a damn that Edge can track you and suggest coupons in the middle of a technical talk.