submitted 11 months ago by Sleo@lemmy.ca to c/youshouldknow@lemmy.world

For context, if you are shy or uncomfortable having your pictures taken, please reconsider! My uncle passed away due to cancer a few years ago and we realized that he didn't like his pictures taken.... So now all we have to remember him by are a handful of pictures.

top 11 comments
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[-] repungnant_canary@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Also if you're the one making photos usually make sure you appear in front of the camera sometimes!

[-] Sleo@lemmy.ca 4 points 11 months ago

That's what happens with me, I'm really into photography now, but no one can use my camera to take a picture of me! So most of the pics I have are with me behind the camera

[-] tox_solid@kbin.social 6 points 11 months ago

Condolences, friend. I agree with this post. I lost my best friend in 2017, and it's not that he didn't like having his picture taken, we just didn't take very many pictures when we were together. So now all I have to remember him by are a couple pics and very foggy memories of our inebriated shenanigans. And a couple of scars too, but I couldn't actually tell you how those got there.

[-] Phimeek@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago

My mom doesn't like having her picture taken, because she thinks she looks ugly (which isn't true), but she still got her picture taken nevertheless, my sister got married last month and we all got our picture taken as a family. There's still plenty of old pics of her in the memory books we still have to this day.

I'm sorry for your loss. That's really unfortunate you only have few pictures of him, but it's really better than nothing at all, to be honest.

[-] GreenCrush@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I hated pictures of myself throughout most of my adolescence, as I'm sure most teenagers did. But only now, do I regret that and try to make sure there are pictures of me at various points in the year so I can remember the times better.

[-] ritswd@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

I’m sorry for your loss.

[-] Magrid@lemm.ee 2 points 11 months ago


[-] npastaSyn@kbin.social 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

My sincere condolences.

We are in an age that this shouldn't happen.

Phones to capture events should be an opertunity to capture videos and photos. Dinner with extended family, birthdays, holidays, vacations are best opertunity to do this.

On top of this, I'd add, share the photos/videos with everyone there, (be it Facebook, Google photos, Whatsapp, Discord...). Same concept applies to you, that photos you have, aren't lost to your digital vault when it's your time.

[-] B4tid0@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

My Condolences.

When I turned 24 and started to make friends outside the circle of friends that I grew up with I realized I had so many pictures of everything but of me in them to show , to remember those times by. It was kind of awful , and now I make an effort to be a part of the memories i am making if only to one day look back at what i looked liked then. Social media ruin being part of pictures for me but trying to connect to other people in real life and being kinder to myself made me realise why is actually very important to me. There are memories I have zero pictures of just because "I don't want to make this moment about pictures and social media" as if there is no other purpose to pictures but social media , i was a dummy.

The worse part is there is a lot of pictures i am in that i don't remember the context of until other people bring up the story of it. I guess the whole “We didn't know we were making memories, we just. knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh. Is legitness. So be part of the picture people even if just to remember youself by.

[-] clawer87@reddthat.com 1 points 11 months ago

We're in the exact same boat. My uncle passed a few years back. My wedding was a couple years earlier, and I forced him to be in a family portrait less than a year before he died. I'm grateful we have these.

[-] Ashhwaghandaa@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Also, if you can afford it, get a professional picture taken of yourself, or even a family portrait. I don’t have any nice pictures of me and my grandma because she didn’t like pictures taken of her.

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this post was submitted on 17 Jun 2023
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