Sounds like they’re asking for Prion diseases
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They learned nothing from the BSE-crisis.
They don't care. This makes more profit.
Animal farmers are monsters.
More reasons not to go to the us
Happens in Canada too. Still gross
I'm sorry, yes you're right
But America bad?
Animal abuse bad, it does not matter where
Is ja ekelhaff. Omnis bauen ihre Ernährung auf so was auf, oof.
Sprache sie English, bitte? That article has one big banner over it that it still needs work. Probably a good idea to keep that in your wikipedia user sandbox for now
It is the German article for the same practice because I assumed you do speak German. My bad.
I have nothing to do with the article and had to ask a veterinarian after reading this article for the German word to even find this stub of a article.
Close, I speak Dutch and I'm on an Australian instance