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Uplifting News
Welcome to /c/UpliftingNews, a dedicated space where optimism and positivity converge to bring you the most heartening and inspiring stories from around the world. We strive to curate and share content that lights up your day, invigorates your spirit, and inspires you to spread positivity in your own way. This is a sanctuary for those seeking a break from the incessant negativity often found in today's news cycle. From acts of everyday kindness to large-scale philanthropic efforts, from individual achievements to community triumphs, we bring you news that gives hope, fosters empathy, and strengthens the belief in humanity's capacity for good.
Here in /c/UpliftingNews, we uphold the values of respect, empathy, and inclusivity, fostering a supportive and vibrant community. We encourage you to share your positive news, comment, engage in uplifting conversations, and find solace in the goodness that exists around us. We are more than a news-sharing platform; we are a community built on the power of positivity and the collective desire for a more hopeful world. Remember, your small acts of kindness can be someone else's big ray of hope. Be part of the positivity revolution; share, uplift, inspire!
That's the entire goal of this
Hurray! Now we just need the majority of other states, too. It's certainly a step towards a brighter future
Wouldn't you need effectively all states?
Well, sort of. There are plenty of laws that don't need to be accepted by all UN member states, in order to be effective.
If you get a majority of states, the UN can maybe make it official law for all UN member states. This opens up the possibility of international sanctions being placed on all states that don't follow the law.
Certainly, even if every rich guy and shady corp in the world placed their hidden wealth in your country; you might still want to be allowed to trade with other countries, and not have your government leaders jailed if they ever set foot outside of your borders
Y'all think this will get to the US as easy? I think it'll be fought tooth an nail by corporates and their pet politicians.
I think the US already signalled approval iirc. But I'm sure there will be ample loopholes.
Let's hope it gets passed here, too.
And a complete lack of enforcement.
Gotta start somewhere buddy. Rome wasn't built in a day.