My experience after I chose to go like 4 months without meds is that after I have been on the meds for a few years I learned within a few months to actually be fully functional without meds, though i still function better on meds, but i can actually learn and get stuff done without meds
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I came off meds against my will (finances) and have been pleasantly surprised at how much has stuck with me.
Yea it's incredible that they still help l, i think it's because you unconsciously train your brain
Write it down and look at the notes later on.
I work in IT and sure do need more time to implement similar stuff at home with similar and limited toys but I can do it.
My suggestion (if you can): Do some days with and some without.
My medication since I am 12 is ritalin 30mg on 60kg body weight (increased from 20mg).
Interesting topic though. Wasnt on my radar at all nor was I "warned"/informed.
Sounds like some folks haven't heard the classic highschool burnout phrase, "study high, test high."
Practice makes perfect.
Could it also equally be that you spend a lot of time on the computer so everything you do there just turns into a blob of sameness?
That happens to me either on or off meds. The best way for me to remember something is to physically write it. Always has been. I would rewrite my notes in school by hand to study.
I don’t know what book you read or the research behind it so I can’t comment there but I would consider that it may not be the meds at all. And oh yeah, this problem has gotten worse for me with age so I enjoy that too.
Some things just stick in my brain better and some things just don’t.