If you don't have any way to meet each other in the foreseeable future, I don't see this going anywhere. Quite frankly, that's something you might have thought about before getting on this app.
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'geographically undesirable' is a very real thing. however it can be overcome. are you willing to uproot your life and move over to her world? does she have room in her life for you? or is this just a fling dream? if you arent able to afford to travel, stop trying the dating apps for other countries you silly bastard.
Sounds like you're just going to have to settle for video calls until you're able to meet up.
You could always find some nice online cooperative game to play together, should give you stuff to talk about. Or choose to read the same book at the same time and talk about the latest chapter. Or use one of all those "watch tv together apart" sites that was created during covid. Or follow the same recipe and eat dinner together. With a little creativity you can do quite a lot of activities together apart.
What I wouldn't do is agree to be in a relationship with someone you've never met, or loan them money for that matter.
Or follow their investment advice. That's how most of these modern romance scams are working. Absolutely do not invest in anything on their recommendation, especially crypto.
Although unimaginable to me (who would send money to someone you dont know?) it needs attention.
Thank you!
I suspect its more like "hey, wow you're so sexy, I'm a 25 yo girl who's always lonely and horny, you should invest in this crypto!!"
Some whale wants to pump and dump a shit coin, like I think Musk did with Dogecoin, so they look for some gullible future bag holders to "invest"
A lot of time they skip the pump and dump and just have you invest through really cleverly disguised fake exchanges and take the money outright.
The modern "pig slaughtering" scams are insanely involved, sometimes going months before the actual scam hits.
They hit people when they are lonely, and then usually invest a lot of time to convince the victims that they do know each other. Brings the guard down.
The big new innovation is that they don't try to get the victim to send the money to them. Usually they talk about how successful their investments have been and try to get the victim to join the scheme, but it's either a fake crypto exchange or some other type of scheme.
It's wild how effective they can be. I've even heard account's of them getting money put of cybersecurity professionals.
Stay safe out there.
Long distance relationship is something I will never recommend to anyone unless you can either afford to meet-up regularly without it putting a strain on you financially, you are okay with heart break (no one I've met has been), or you met, matched and spent time irl before it becomes long distance.
My personal advice based on your post alone: don't do it (but be nice about it).
Long distance was the worst emotional rollercoaster I've been through, and this is coming from someone who had a "successful long distance story" and are still together since moving in together.
But I know that that's not how our hearts work, so hoping you'll get that job soon and save up enough for a visit!