The exhibit idea is actually really cool and creative, even if it started from Yanami's 'want food'.
Also, that school nurse is fucked up lol
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The exhibit idea is actually really cool and creative, even if it started from Yanami's 'want food'.
Also, that school nurse is fucked up lol
Haha, I've been waiting for the 4K/8K reference in this volume. Poor Anna.
Finally! A time lapse (is that the right term?) that is not a slideshow!
That nurse is a stain alright
Komari really is way stronger than they think.
ARA (fucking) ARA
Hey, they're Gintama-style episode titles
I really like how this show focuses on friendship. It's not just the trope of "male mc has female friends so they all have to be attracted to him in some way"
I think Yanami is interested in Nuk.. however it's hardly a focus and I really enjoy that. feel Anna was initially going to use Nuk-kun as a rebound but scaled back and wanted to be friends once her relationship with her ex was put into perspective and made her think.