I don't know what the hell is going on but I love these comics
one should not chase the electric dream, but strive to became an extension to its dreamer
Automatism in the age of the children of Unix.
It's a box of antique photographs. A blade, a girl and a fish. Whatever it means, you're invested.
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
- https://openbsd.org
- https://freebsd.org
- https://netbsd.org
- https://dragonflybsd.org/
- https://9front.org
- https://100r.co/site/uxn.html
- https://distrowatch.org
I've sorta accepted that I'll never understand what they are talking about, but have resigned to simply enjoy them as they appear
What the fuck are you snorting that you are able to channel this into artwork
I don't partake in drug use, but I've never seen a Marvel movie. Could it be that?
A mind unsullied by contemporary cultural waste.
I love your work 🫶
Dry thermal paste
All code dies.
Give a fish a man, and he will be fed for a day.
Teach a fish to man and get a nobel prize.
OK, again with the feels onslaught, and I'm always asking for more.
(But also one sad last day the last fish will swim alone :''''()
Blessed be the circuits brother, for one day all fish shall swim together again in the depths and warmth of the digital ether. Be not afraid of the compiler. 🐡
No four fish swim one ever.