Yeah, that sucks. They're the ones that (as adults) carry that red meat allergy thing, right?
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Yep, alpha gal allergy. I hope that misses me. I don't eat red meat but I might, I don't know, take a capsule with a gelatin coating or something. Apparently it can be that severe.
Would you mind sharing a picture of what the itchy welts looked like before you discovered what they were?
Actually I saw the ticks first, the welts didn't appear until the next day. Not my photos but basically exactly like the pictures here:
Thanks. I’ve had welts like that show up randomly several times. Never figured out why. I think I’ll pay closer attention the next time and see what’s causing it for me.
Per the instruction on the Sawyer clothes treatment (2% permethrin, I think), you should not use it on gloves, underwear, socks, or hats.
Air compressor with air duster attachment. I get them on my occasionally, just hose yourself off with air. Works great.
First time?