Bullet Journal
To discuss everything related to Bullet Journal.
- Be Nice. Not hateful speech or personal attacks.
- Content should be related to bullet journal. It can be an extension or edited version, but it should be related to bullet journal.
- Not just aesthetics. Don't just post a pictures of beautiful art. Art is not an issue, your spread can be as artful as you want, but there should be details of what the spread is supposed to do, and how you are going to use it.
Banner is from Leuchtturm1917 Bullet Journal 2 store page
- Don't look for ideas on YouTube or Instagram.
The number of people who have told me they had given up on trying BuJo because they 'weren't artists' and couldn't do all the stuff... first thing I tell anyone asking about BuJo is that if a 'how to Bujo' thing says they need more than a notebook and pen, it's a bad intro.
Yeah, completely agreed.
A habit tracker is created on a "Collection" page, right?
Yes, you can say that. Though there are different types of habit trackers, some are incorporated in monthly spread. The article mentions just adding first letter of your habbit on the day you do it. So, that's one way to do it. Or you could make a separate "collection" page.
Like everything else it seems like you can make it however you want to. It would be easier to track over months but maybe not as easy to remember to do. Probably depends on the habit.
Yeah, for instance, when I start a new day, I do the following:
- Look at the monthly page, for any event (usually any anniversary or due date),
- Look at the master tasks list. It's the list where I move the tasks that I have to do "some-day" but not any specific day, I don't directly add items to it, they are migrated from daily log. If there's anything I want to (or can) do today, copy that.
- Look at previous day, and copy or migrate any left-over items.
On normal day, this hardly takes 30 seconds (other than writing down what's moving to today). With this workflow, it's easy to mark anything on monthly calendar. As I am looking at it daily anyway. That being said, I am not actually using any habit tracker right now. I have become a perfect being and don't need to create any more habits. 😃