Evil Dead 2 everything goes hard.
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I’ll swallow your soul!
Swallow this... boomstick goes boom
Seriously. This movie was Sam Raimi at his Sam Raimi-est. They took everything in low-budget what the fuck fest Evil Dead and ramped it up. It is the perfect demonstration of how horror and comedy follow the same formula, because it lives in the knife-edge between them, slipping back and forth at an unpredictable pace. Bruce Campbell falls through a chair and you don't know what genre you're in.
Couldn't agree more. And it walks that knife edge so perfectly that when we finally get to the legendary "Groovy" moment, it's the ultimate payoff on both levels.
You get that moment of horror catharsis where the hunted finally gains an advantage over the unstoppable evil.
And on the comedy side, after watching Ash get thrown around like a ragdoll throughout most of the film in near Tom and Jerry levels of violent slapstick, watching him create, slap on, and rev up a friggin' chainsaw arm to the battle cry of "Groovy!" is the perfect punchline. Equally ridiculous and undeniably badass.
I just watched this movie for the first time a few days ago. I've seen Army of Darkness probably 20 times. I liked evil dead 2, it was cool in a super low budget 80s style.
Evil Dead 2 is where the camp starts. Army of Darkness is turning it up to 11.
In the UK and Japan, they made a different cut called Captain Supermarket to get around some potential bans. They only recently have been able to get the real Army of Darkness.
I want to see Captain Supermarket.
Meh. It’s just neutered to 88 minutes. Army of Darkness is the real deal.
One of my all time favourite horror movies.
frfr lowkey goes hard yall ngl